Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Horrible Coworkers People Had To Deal With

You meet a lot of interesting people in life, and you get to learn more about them if they're your coworkers. Sometimes you learn that people can be mindbogglingly lazy, mean, inconsiderate, or just impossible to be around. Sometimes for better or worse, people do not give a heck and in the workplace that can lead to some wonderfully unprofessional "not my job" moments. For some more work stuff, here arestories of people who worked smarter, not harder.


Text - Zero223344 13.4k points · 18 hours ago · edited 15 hours ago He would walk in every day like it was his first day with no memory of anything we showed him the previous day. He was only focused for the first 30 minutes then the rest of the time would be on his phone and try to work with one hand which is bad because I work in a restaurant. Can't cook with one hand but that didn't stop him from trying then one day he just stopped showing up for like a week then was confused when he came bac


Text - Text - Jabberhakke 22.6k points · 18 hours ago · edited 13 hours ago He just.wouldn't work. Just wouldn't. This was in a research lab. He was a visiting researcher from another country, and he spent a lot of time asking tons of non-work related questions, to the point of disrupting others' work. In the course of a year, he designed one very basic experiment, and didn't actually do it. Just designed it. He was above doing bench work apparently. He picked fights with everyone doing any expe


Text - Sirnando138 26.1k points · 18 hours ago Hired a cook on a good recommendation. He was just fine the first two weeks. Then I noticed food going missing. Then supplies started going missing. Then a customer told me that he had been adding auto 30% tips his food purchases. When I looked at the books, I saw that he had been adding 30% tips to ALL the credit card sales. And the cash rings were off from what should have been sold. I fired him that day. The next day he came in and apologized. Sa


Text - Text - Lufernaal 21.5k points · 18 hours ago I worked with a guy who'd interrupt any conversation to talk about anything as if he was the expert. And I don't use "anything" as a hyperbole. He truly had something to say about anything, including things he had never heard of or obviously didn't know much about. When the subject being discussed was something in the category of things he didn't know much about, he would slowly steer the conversation away from the original discussion to someth


Text - KillerKackwurst4 20.0k points · 18 hours ago · edited 15 hours ago This guy named Daniel I used to work with at McDonald's in high school. He let everyone know he worked out and enjoyed being on the football team. He had this thing about taking 5 shits a day. He would walk by on his way back from the toilet, chest out, shoulders back and triumphantly announce "that's shit number 3!"... fucking Daniel.


Text - Text - stoic_minotaur 16.9k points · 17 hours ago · edited 13 hours ago 2 S This is about 15 years ago but the office I worked in instituted a scent free policy. One woman, who was already insufferable, was so offended by it that she snuck in her perfume collection. She'd walk down the halls and spray perfume into empty offices or cubicles when no one was looking or before everyone arrived in the morning. This went on for well over a month or two and we had no idea who was responsible. My


Text - litkat16 16.8k points · 17 hours ago I had a manager once who dumped trash on my desk my third day there. She said it was to remind me that taking out the trash was part of my job description (it wasn't, I was a research assistant at a mortgage firm)


Text - Text - jellojock 13.6k points · 16 hours ago My worst co-worker was one I worked with when I was a cashier at Walmart. She approached me and asked me to cash out her paycheck. I was still new at the job and never got training on how to do that function. She was sympathetic, so she walked me through how to do it. Transaction over and done, I go on about my day. I get called back a couple of days later by my managers and they circled me in an office and accused me of stealing. After tears,


Text - mazlik1234 122 points · 18 hours ago Some chick named Millie. Apparently this mother of 3 didn't know how to cut bread safely. She cut the baguette while it was still in her hand. We worked in a kitchen and she was standing in front of a cutting board. Surprise, she sliced her hand. I took her upstairs to the office with the first aid kit. I turn around and she is spreading open her wound trying to make it worse. I yelled at her. She quit soon after. I hope I made her feel dumb.


Text - Text - TheKnightsofLiz 13.0k points · 17 hours ago No contest. It was the literal crackhead I worked with for 4 months that was also secretly living in the office and being completely nonsensical when he was actually "working". We found a mattress folded up in the warehouse after he was let go and an actual, brand new crack pipe (with a price tag on it, to boot) squirreled away back there. He and his family (not just him living in the office!) left discarded food everywhere like pizza cru


Text - inu_yasha 12.5k points · 18 hours ago My coworker likes to initiate conversations, then does long pauses where you go to say something back, then he cuts you off and keeps talking. He has entire conversations almost entirely by himself. He also likes to make changes to my paperwork before its turned in.. ends up riddled with spelling mistakes while he tries to make the content look smarter. Fortunately its all electronically stamped with who made revisions.


Text - mandz_camz24 8.3k points · 19 hours ago When I was an intern, there was this old shrew who would call people into her office (my cube shared a thin wall), gossip, then call those people in to tell them what was said, etc. She would try to frame people for shit she did wrong. She was so arrogant. And she refused to adapt to workforce modernization. Example: she refused to learn how to hyperlink in emails, documents, etc. A real ray of sunshine she was!


Text - Text - bigbrainbingi 8.2k points · 19 hours ago I worked at a grocery store and one of the scheduling ladies was a total C-bomb. When you work at a grocery store you expect to have shifts all over the place, that's part of the job so i'm not complaining about that. Just about 2 years into working there i had an accident and broke my thumb/hand (not while at work unfortunately lol) and needed surgery. I went to apply for Employment Insurance (EI) and they required a Record of Employment (R


Text - Text - Redwood_soft_boy 7.8k points · 18 hours ago Back when I worked at a restaurant I was friends with the bartender, chill dude.. right up until they made him manager and that small amount of power and increase in pressure made him so angry all the time. He screamed at me that I was "shit at my job" because I didn't do a thing that I've never been asked to do before. He made me miss my last bus so I couldn't get home, it was pitch black outside and I cried on the bench outside the rest


Text - Belarus12345 7.0k points · 19 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago he was a complete utter moron, he was incompetent in every way, but the icing on the cake was when he tried to put one of the pickup trucks into gear with the wiper stick and called me an idiot when I told him it was the wrong lever


Text - Text - AtlantaFieldClowns 5.7k points · 18 hours ago Worked with a girl who would sometimes just lay in the floor and play on her phone. She would routinely flip out about something her boy friend did and just start screaming curse words, sometimes in front of customers. She was eventually fired for smoking weed while on the clock.


Text - Text - WatchTheBoom 4.9k points · 18 hours ago One of my favorite things about being in the military was that your pre-military status did not matter. Everyone wears the same uniform and you'd never know if your favorite military leader came from privilege or squalor. The uniform, for all of it's drawbacks, is an objectively effective unifier. It levels the playing field. Looking the same as everyone else challenged me to ensure that my work ethic and ideas created opportunities, not some


Text - Text - dogtorjoy 4.4k points · 18 hours ago · edited 12 hours ago At my first job (vet assistant at a small animal clinic), there was this middle-aged woman (she primarily worked as the receptionist) who was constantly snarky and rude towards me and my work. After sharing with another coworker that I was planning to go to school to become a vet, she (the receptionist) laughed at me and said "I don't think I could see you as a vet." I was only 16 years old, mind you; I had big dreams and g


Text - Text - RedTiger013 4.2k points · 17 hours ago His name was Dan. Dan was 37 working at a dead end job as a lab specimen processor in a windowless room for 9 hours a day. He ate only burgerking, but without the lettuce because that's "rabbit food". He drank literally a gallon of Mountain Dew a day, and was confused as to why people were horrified by that. "There's water in it" he would say. Apparently if he ate corn he would vomit and have to go to the hospital. He would tell me he firmly b


Text - mutantandproud95 4.0k points · 18 hours ago Not necessarily a "co-worker" but my old supervisor literally told me not to think, even if it's wrong that I do things her way, and not to ask questions because I should already know what to do. I had just gotten the position


Text - Text - ThePhilosophosaurus 3.6k points · 19 hours ago I work with this guy that tries to convert people to his religion every day it's super annoying


Text - Text - Kether_Nefesh 1.9k points · 18 hours ago edited 16 hours ago I'm pretty cool about eh, people all have their role to play, but one time we had a secretary that would microwave eggs and canned tuna every morning in a bowl. Now... I am not a violent person, but the smell generated from microwaved eggs and canned tuna is down right repulsive by anyone's standards.


Text - Text - elevenghosts 1.4k points · 18 hours ago I worked with a quy who couldn't learn new skills. When he started he had to learn new programs and processes, just like anyone would at almost any job. He couldn't pick up on it, whether it was where to click in a software to get a certain result or how to fill out a report. Everyone on my team took turns showing him the ropes and it never sunk in. I remember being so frustrated because he could not figure out how to minimize a window. "Top


Text - Text - amyzophie 813 points · 17 hours ago A guy that was on the Keto diet, it's all he'd ever talk about. He once overheard a conversation I was having with a colleague on a particularly stressful day, he interrupted us to suggest I give up carbs in order to reduce my stress levels.


Text - Text - DeathSpiral321 792 points · 17 hours ago Fucking Jami. Her picture belonged next to Passive- Aggressive in the dictionary. She knew how to stay on the good side of the boss, but treated most everyone else like dirt. She would intentionally ignore your attempts to communicate with her regarding important work matters, then turn around and claim you were the one being difficult. Whenever you pointed out one of her mistakes (however small), she would throw a temper tantrum like a litt


Text - Text - Luci_Cooper 467 points · 17 hours ago I walked in on her spitting in my coffee


Text - Text - sunnyfleur0330 304 points · 18 hours ago This girl I work with is overly picky about stuff, everything has to be her way or no way... she does everything louder to make it seem like she's working, but she's not actually getting anything done. She has been caught stealing from other servers several times, but we have no concrete proof. She "accidentally" takes people's tips. She's fucking hellacious.

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