Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Random Tumblr Rabbit Holes To Fill The Time

Tumblr and it's endless series of rabbit holes never disappoints. There's always a new Tumblr thread waiting to be explored, waiting to leave us mystified. The fandoms and the conspiracies and the strange observations from various Tumblr users, really keep us going. We're still getting a kick out of the recent quick Tumblr thread that highlighted the hidden significance of a Ratatouille scene.

And if that didn't fill your cup, check out this fun Tumblr thread about how dwarves have intelligent super beards.


Text - justyouraveragehufflepuff Follow Things to bring back in books: Chapter titles Actually having a synopsis on the back instead of reviews no one will read #books #reading 98,951 notes


Text - silentthevoice Petition to change "he looked at her like she was the sun" to "he looked at her like she was the moon" and any other variation bc I look at the moon in wonder and love and amazement while I've only ever just squinted angrily at the sun louisamayanniecat He looked at her like she was the sun, in that he never looked at her except in frustration. He basked in her warmth, he complained when she was gone, but he never looked. On days she was muted, he complained. On days she wa


Text - m4ge there's a guy in one of my classes who i am secretly battling for dominance over by wearing awful hipster outfits. i dont know if he is thinking the same thing but regardless i intend to win i thought i won today when i walked into class wearing my awful 1995 figure skating tour of the world (sponsored by campbells soup) t-shirt, mom jeans, and 1980 moscow olympics-theme denim jacket but then he had to walk in wearing a donald duck jacket with matching donald duck socks like what a f


Text - * dark-whimsy Follow haaskarotta Pets becoming parents is something strangely funny and funnily strange. Like here is Her, the small fluffy idiot, who has now produced several even smaller, fluffier tiny idiots, that she is now in charge of. Today she farted in her sleep so loudly she startled herself awake, and the whole litter scattered in panic. Source: haaskarotta 72 notes


Text - M mkaiser323 It's fun to chant "Bloody Mary" into your car's side mirror three times and watch her jog and try to keep up. skyrover9 Being a dick even to demons Source: mkaiser323 815,026 notes


Text - wumblr today i saw a cat who immediately and casually hissed at me on sight but after i said "that's rude" he meowed politely wumblr odds-in-ends-my-friends Just tryin out some noises


Text - pasta-pp Sc-offrb Follow ginkgocrown-old I used to call in to my local radio station every day in middle school and request that they play the Kingdom Hearts theme and they never did because I didn't understand how the radio worked back then but one day, one fucking day the radio host was like "for the kid who keeps requesting this song for two years straight, here you go, oh and by the way we're blocking your number" and they fucking played it and beating the system was worth never being


Text - menats A girls voice in game chat is more powerful than any us marine didyougetmysteriousimagines Fun story (maybe?): when I was younger, my brother was super duper into COD and he is actually really freaking good at it. So one day, he gave me his mic headset and told me to talk while he was playing and it was WILD. The levels of salt that young men produce when under the impression that a little girl is destroying them in COD is a beautiful thing.


Text - danmangan things that are enjoyable: • showers things that are not enjoyable: • getting in the shower • getting out of the shower


Text - undeterr-ed Friendly reminder "Doing your best" does not mean working yourself to the point of a mental breakdown. vastderp this one still smashes me in the face ten times a year. do not ignore pain, it's no longer your best at that point xovortex it's no longer your best at that point


Text - fun fact: if a persons body odor smells good to you that means they have an immune system basically opposite of yours! this happens so the chances of finding a mate with the opposite immune system is greater and the chances that any offspring you produce together will have a stronger immune system is greater. this is fascinating so you're saying deodorant is the reason none of us can find love


Text - leftboob-enthusiast "you don't need to be stressed!" okay but consider this:I am


Text - primrooks a blonde guy with a magic hammer goes after his colleague, a big dude with giant fists and an anger management problem, teams up with a fierce female fighter with a tragic past, all while trying to navigate a strange, colorful world forever locked in a sensationalized competition and run by an old man with a flamboyant demeanor. along the way, he runs into a disgraced royal heir with a penchant for green and mischief is the movie thor: ragnarok or wreck-it ralph im-fairly-whitty


Text - sebastlianstan Uptown funk would've made it onto the shrek soundtrack where-is-the-apple-juice that's the truest statement i've ever read Source: selivakyle-archive 662,628 notes


Text - silverhawk i had a dream last night that mothman was getting sued by the state of west virginia for accidentally breaking light posts and he hired me as his lawyer and in court i was like "now my client is a giant moth so you cant blame him for loving lights" and halfway through my speech i turned to address mothman and saw he was bumping into the courtroom lights and they broke and caused a power outage


Text - generalgrievousdatingsim im reading about cowboy phrases and sayings and like 95% of them are just solid life advice generalgrievousdatingsim Things a Cowboy Should Not Do Here are some words to live by according to cowboys. Some are really good advice and all are funny cowboy sayings. • Don't squat with your spurs on. • Don't let your yearnings get ahead of your earnings. • Don't dig for water under the outhouse. • Don't go in if you don't know the way out. • Don't mess with something th


Text - generalgrievousdatingsim • If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. • It's better to keep your mouth shut and look stupid than open it and prove it. • If it doesn't seem to be worth the effort it probably isn't. • Just 'cause trouble comes visiting doesn't mean you have to offer it a place to sit down. Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back. • Nature gave us all something to fall back on, and sooner or later we all land flat


Text - Innea Okay so Norway is like such an odd country cause like listen to this Norwegians consume 9% of all Pepsi max produced Norwegians eat the second most tacos in the world, just after Mexico Norwegians drink the second most coffee in the world, just after USA Norwegians read the second most comic books in the world, just after japan There are only 5 million people in Norway decepticonsensual And apparently they are having an AMAZING time.


Text - nest-deactivated20181209 there's a chinese exchange student in my composition class and we were being presented something about how you can use brackets to signify translation and there was chinese text on the screen and the prof said to him "what does that say?" and he deadpanned "i can't speak chinese" and everyone sat there in dumbfounded silence and then the presenter clicked to show that the text literally said "i can't speak chinese" with the most shit-eating grin on his face magedo


Text - novakian tumblr Follow 2 now-at-punkwarren-deactivated20 rhett-the-jet The next time there's an awkward silence, try whispering, "Did you forget your line?" novakian #or when you can't think of anything to say sigh dramatically and yell LINE #tumblr user snakejolras is a shining inspiration #other #funnies 537,983 notes

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