Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Customers Hassle Employee, Restaurant Owner Handles It

Definition of a power move. Sounds like this table was filled to the brim with toxic BS, and making a mess of an otherwise peaceful environment. When the owner of the restaurant found out the table was hassling his employee, he up and kicked them out. Basically, this sounds like the coolest boss ever. A true fairytale experience for anyone working in the industry, dealing with entitled customers who think they're right just cause they're customers. 


Text - r/TalesFromYourServer u/aaanon5402 · 1y + Join The owner of the restaurant kicked out one of my tables for yelling at me about a receipt Long It was my first day at a pizza restaurant. This place was always SLAMMED... it's really where I learned how to be a good server, before that I worked at over staffed burger joints or Italian restaurants. Things were moving pretty fast but I was doing surprisingly well. I had about 10 tables and I was used to 3-4 table sections. I will


Text - never forget this couple that came in and sat down at table 24. They were an old couple. I'm talking both gray haired and over dressed to be at a pizza restaurant. I will say I did give them excellent service despite my frazzledness of starting a new job. I was feelin it, and felt great about handling all of my tables...until I did mess up. The man at table 24 handed me his card to close out. I'm BUSY.. like didn't even have time to pick a wedgie if I had one, busy. I go to the computer a


Text - Man at table 24 had every right to be upset. But instead of asking me to grab the itemized receipt, he began to LOUDLY, in a small room, with a deep and firm tone tell me how horrible I am at my job. That no wonder I only got as far in life as working at a pizza shop. He kept going on with these TERRIBLE comments and wouldn't let me walk away when I tried. So now all of my other tables just saw me get ripped a new asshole, and I'm in the weeds after wasting time getting yelled at by this


Text - Owner: "Excuse me sir," he says to the man at table 24, "I am the owner of this establishment. I'm not sure what the problem is here and frankly, don't care. What I do care about is you belittling my waitress. So l'm going to ask you and your wife to leave and not come back to my restaurant." Man at table 24: "Fine but you'll be losing our business." Owner: "I really don't care, and don't want people like you in my restaurant anyway."


Text - It was the coolest shit I had ever seen. The owner STOOD THERE AND WAITED for these people to leave. It was fucking bad ass. After they left the owner came up to me and said: "Fuck those people. You're doing a great job and I wouldn't have hired you if you didn't show potential. If anyone else talks to you like that I want you to tell them to fuck off and get out. I don't want their money." Coolest. Boss. Ever.

6. Awesome.

Text - sweetrhymepurereason • 1y Awesome story. I had a great boss once who liked to say "the customer is always right, but that guy is not our customer anymore."

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