Tuesday, May 12, 2020

AskReddit Thread: Ways Workers Got Their Bosses Fired

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going on the ways that workers managed to get their bosses fired. The workplace can stir up some serious dramas, and sometimes people need to go, regardless of their positions in a company. These cases blend together all kinds of satisfying tales that sometimes border on those cases of pro revenge that we've come to enjoy. 


Text - mynameisjudygarland • 3d I used to work at a title company and witnessed our department manager forge mortgage documents on a fairly regular basis. So when she went to upper management to throw the entire department under the bus for being behind on recording documents, I marched straight to HR to resign and let them know what she was doing. She was fired and they called me and offered my job back before the week was out.


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Text - Jenniferinfl • 3d I had a boss who was skimming off employee hours at Walmart. I took screenshots of my employees hours on Thursday before the shift started and then screenshots of their hours on Friday that showed that all of them had a couple hours skimmed off their work week. I was a low level manager- he was an upper tier manager. He got fired. I believe his motivations was that he wanted to get promoted and wanted to show that he could get more done in less man hours. Probably would


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Text - Needless to say he lost his position and whenever we came back from the Holiday break the school was hiring for his position. Reply 11.1k


Text - IronSorrows • 3d He was always slacking off; he'd go and do a 15 minute task, and be gone 2 hours. He'd have to 'shoot off early' for a doctors appointment, or a dentist appointment, always with no prior warning and whenever he was obviously bored. This was, mind you, within weeks of the new shop opening & all of us being hired. I was young and went along with it for a while, my colleague was in her 40s and vaguely knew him anyway, so was not standing for it. She reported him repeatedly t


Text - GrumpyScapegoat • 3d I used math to prove to their superior how severely my boss had underestimated turnover 3+ years in a row, costing a ton of money and labor issues. One day earlier the boss had screamed at my team until his face went purple, making a huge spectacle in front of the entire floor. The gist was that we were colluding against the company by (a handful of us) electing not to renew our contracts. Came back with graphs and maths, baby. He was demoted and transferred out a cou


Text - LochNessMansterLives • 3d I had proven myself as a competent management level employee. She on the other hand, showed favoritism, broke rules, set schedules nobody could work and all around didn't give a shit as assistant manager. When the manager left she assumed she was a shoe in, after all she was the assistant manager so why wouldn't she be promoted? We both got called into a meeting the district uppity up, told us both that I was going to be the new manager and she lost her shit. I n


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Text - BlueFalconPunch • 3d 1 Award I've told it before...not fired but transfered. Had a squad leader make us all stand out in the Missouri winter soaking wet until someone volunteered for weekend duty. I told him I had previous cold weather injuries (frostbite) he ignored it. The corporal saw my blue feet when I took off my boots and sent me to the aid station. The Dr. Lost his shit and that squad leader was in another company the next day. It's not as justice bonering as getting an asshole fi


Text - filthy_lucre • 3d Advanced through the company through hard work and dedication and slowly began to usurp the boss's duties and responsibilities. Eventually the owner realized what a lazy schmuck the old boss was and "laid him off." A week later I got a new title and a 35% raise.


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Text - ExcitedlySuprised • 3d I quit because I was sick of her shit. On my way home the companies president called to talk to me about what had happened. He offered me two weeks of paid vacation (extra vacation on top of the 5 weeks I already recieved) and promised she would be gone when I came back.


Text - Pentacostal-Haircut • 3d She was hired as a new director. Didn't know much of anything about what she claimed she did. The straw that broke the camel's back was when she stated her boss would sign anything she put in front of him because he didn't know what it was. Oops!


Text - NoctheMighty • 3d Proved he didn't know how to do his job and was just passing my work off as his


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Text - halftone84 • 3d Not fired, but moved stores and demoted. He posted publicly on his Facebook asking "why so many of his staff have mental problems"... He also posted a few weeks before that, that he was "having a cheeky snow day" and skipping work. I reported it myself. Considering I had been on a final written warning for breaking the "social media policy", I don't see why he shouldn't be either.


Text - mofugginrob • 3d I worked for a pharma company and my supervisor was always a dick to me. On one of my annual reviews, he put that I had changed the parameters on one of our pieces of equipment so that it was out of spec. It's a lot more complicated, but I refused to sign my review and basically proved that it didn't happen. Now, everything was documented there including our reviews and him submitting false information on my review was a fireable offense. I ended up quitting right after I


Text - OhAces • 3d I didn't get him fired per se, but something I was involved in did. I was testing welds in the bullnose area of a power boiler and basically a 20' piece of steel boiler tube with 5/8" membrane welded to each side so it looked like a huge axe fell and just about chopped me in half. I reported the incident to my boss the night shift supervisor and he said we would take care of it. I had to fill out a report myself which I handed off to the safety lead when he showed up inn the m


Text - LostBabyBear • 3d Hotel manager, my hotel was undergoing a full renovation. During this time both my managers were putting in less than 30 hrs a week, and I was racking up 70+ doing their jobs as well. I'm ambitious and knew it would look great on my resume so was happy to bust my ass. 2 months in i started to notice things going missing like furniture, funds allocated by corporate to offset LoR were not used, and just general bullshitery. Found out both my managers were pocketing the 20k


Text - whateverbutalsoducks • 3d I told supervisors that my direct boss was stealing so much product and time from the store. I knew it. Her stories didn't add up, she was never helping us on the floor, always in her office, would take 1.5 hour lunch breaks and not clock out, leave early, tell me she was coming in early when the store didn't open until 9 (which I knew was shit because she didn't have a store key). I told them for about 8 months. No one followed up on it. I didn't get her fired,

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