Friday, May 8, 2020

AskReddit Thread: Kindest Things People Have Done Or Seen

The world's full of enough troubling chaos as it is. Let's mix it up with a welcomed wave of wholesome goodness. This AskReddit thread has people sharing the kindest things they've seen, or done themselves. Spread that positive energy. 


Text - musicalfreak • 15h One day after work I noticed an older lady struggling with her groceries at the bus stop. I offered to carry her bags and ended up walking with her to her house. The kindest thing anyone has done for me actually happened just the other day. I was explaining to one of my friends from choir that, since I'm no longer working, I can't afford to sign up for the summer. She immediately offered to pay for my term and wouldn't take no for an answer. Before I could finish thanki


Text - bakeseal • 15h 1 Award I broke my foot while bouldering a week into my semester abroad. I had never been out of the country before, so I was absolutely panicking. A total stranger came right over after I fell, recorded important info for the paramedics, and spent the next ten or so minutes while waiting for the ambulance asking me questions about my studies and my research (l'd mentioned I was a student). He asked such thoughtful questions and was so kind and able to calm me down even tho


Text - Yoinkie2013 • 15h 2 Awards An older gentlemen tried to ship an envelope to his "grandson" from a shipping company I worked at. The way he acted and the things he said threw up too many red flags in my head, so(against company policy), I opened the envelope after he left and inside of it was 5 figures in cash. I called the cops and told them to get in touch with the man and try to figure out what was going on. As it turns out, someone had called the older man and said his grandson was in t


Text - doobsboobs • 15h 3 1 Award I donated stem cells to a stranger. I matched with them almost a year ago and the procedure was completed in December. It's a very impersonal experience because of the anonymity of it. I didn't know anything about the patient I was donating to and they knew nothing about me. It wasn't until I received a letter from her (this morning no less) that it really hit me how much of an impact it had on her life. For me it was a cheek swab I did in college four years ago


Text - critical_fail1 • 17h 1 Award I saw a neighbor boy practicing his jump shot into some tree branches in his front yard. I had a portable hoop in the back from when I moved in that was taking up space. Sol walked over and offered him the hoop for free. I only lived there for the next year or 2, but it was almost non-stop basketball dribble next door after that. I saw him, his sister, parents, aunts, uncles, even a grandparent or 2 all take a couple shots at the hoop over time. It felt good t


Text - nevermind-stet • 15h 7 Awards I was talking to some random guy in the bar, and he said he was having surgery the next day and didn't have someone to pick him up after. I ended up driving him there, sitting with him before he went back, calling his parents when he got out, sitting with him in recovery, picking up his post op meds, driving him home, and making sure he was okay before I left. Never saw him again, and that's okay. Edit: aww, thanks guys! To answer a couple questions: Dude was


Text - salty_snacky • 16h 2 Awards I was 16, driving over to my girlfriend's house on rainy Saturday afternoon. There was a man biking in front of me and when he went to get onto the sidewalk, he completely ate shit. I pulled in to the closest driveway and saw that his bike was mangled and his arm was bleeding. I threw his bike in my trunk, gave him my old sweatshirt for his bloody arm, and drove him home. When I dropped him off, he gave me his card turned out he was a dentist at a local researc


Text - LaeliaCatt • 15h 14 Awards My Dad ran into an old high school friend he hadn't seen in years. He learned that the man had cancer, that he had no family except a son in college in another state and that he was basically dealing with it all by himself. So my Dad started taking him to his appointments and out to lunch. He even organized how to take his crazy number of prescriptions since it was confusing to figure out when to take them when they all had different times and requirements (Ther


Text - One of the smartest people I ever met married one of my good friends from high school. She had dabbled in coding games for fun but had no IT experience. She was working minimum wage at a sandwich shop. I was a manager at an IT consulting firm. I knew if given the chance to work in IT as a developer she would do great. Solpushed my company to hire her as an intern. With out any code camp, relevant college classes, or experience I was told our company could never hire her. I helped her star


Text - Fancyliving228• 15h 2 Awards Sometimes when my sister is sleeping or napping I plug her phone in to charge so when she wakes up it'll be 100%


Text - everyone_hates_lolo • 14h this happened like a week before school got cancelled because of ms. rona. So after school one day, i was SUPPOSED to have practice, but it got unexpectedly cancelled, and nobody told me until it was too late. my school days ended at 3:10, and busses left at 3:20. it was like 3:18, so i SCRAMBLED to grab my shit and find my bus. (now, my bus kept on having substitute drivers and whatnot, so it was hard to find because they NEVER parked in the right spot). i could


Text - cuihmnestelan • 16h 3 1 Award I worked at Starbucks. One morning around 6:30 a customer came in and I asked how she was doing. "Oh its already crazy and I haven't even started," she replied. To make her day go a little easier, I gave her her coffee order for free. A few days later, I was having a terrible morning. 6:30 and already chaos. She came in, asked me how I was doing and I said the above. A couple hours later, she came back with a gift bag for me. Inside was a nice bottle of wine.

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