Friday, May 8, 2020

Awkward Sex Ed Questions Students Asked

Sex education can be a shock to some kids, and being a teacher trying to get 40 children to not laugh every time you say "testicles" has to be a nightmare. A sex-ed class can become an absolute minefield even when kids aren't asking questions. They don't know any better, and that's the time and place for it, but everyone remembers the awkward questions that got asked in Sex Ed. You can't exactly blame someone's ignorance, but manpeople say some absurdly dumb things in complete seriousness.


Text - turbobofish 7.4k points · 20 hours ago Ha! A nun taught us sex-ed. One of the lads asks her if "when you stick it in do you just hold it there or do you wiggle it or what?". 'she turned red and informed him it was an inappropriate question.


Text - grozly2009 370 points · 18 hours ago No dumb question but had a dumb answer to the sex ed teacher. She asked if we know where hair grows during puberty. There were the usual answers of face, genitals, etc then we ran out of answers. I thought back to an Eminem lyric saying "palms are to hairy to hide" and answered the palms of your hands. Most awkward stares ever from the class and a quick response of no from the teacher. I paused and thought well that makes sense since I've never seen an


Text - AndThenThereIsJess 334 points · 14 hours ago I teach fifth grade. This is the time for the "big talk" in Indiana. I was roughly about 7 months pregnant. I was unmarried but engaged. My fiancĂ© was a pretty active participant in my classroom so all the kids knew him. He came on the field trip due to not having a male teacher available to go to supervise the boys. In Indiana, we still teach abstinence only. In the middle of the lesson, the instructor basically tells the kids that conception


Text - alnomds 257 points · 17 hours ago Not a teacher, but once during a sex ed portion of our teen health class, the teacher was very pregnant, and one student asked her "have you ever had sex" And he was serious. She stared at him for about 30 seconds until everyone started laughing at him and then she just continued to teach. Badass


Text - BishSaidWut 10.6k points · 20 hours ago edited 20 hours ago During our sex education in the early 90s (which amounted to ONE HOUR of dividing the boys and girls of each grade, taking them into their respective classrooms, and going over very broad topics), we were allowed to anonymously ask additional questions we had by writing them on a flash card and passing them to the front. I asked what would happen if a boy peed inside a girl. I watched as my flash card was silently read by the tea


Text - Venerablehasibash 405 points · 17 hours ago Not a sex ed teacher (sorry) but got to experience probably the most awkward question ever during sex ed. It was in the write-in portion where you anonymously submit a question and it's answered in front of the class. Anyway, it was at the height of the brony craze, and there were 4 of them in this class. So of course, one asks "why am I sexually attracted to Fluttershy? Will this lead me to wanting to sleep with horses?". I've never heard such


Text - Unfortunately the sex ed teacher had no idea who Fluttershy was and immediately asked "Who is Fluttershy?". When someone announced that she's a My Little Pony, the completely dead look the teacher had was something that will be etched into my brain forever. Just complete silence from her for a good 10 seconds while her brain worked. You could almost sense a "what is wrong with this generation?" combined with "where are the parents?!?". Anyway, she collected herself and said something alon


Text - psnWaikato 10.4k points · 17 hours ago · edited 12 hours ago I teach 11-13 year olds. All subjects. I was explaining the functions of spontaneous erection to a group of 40 twelve year old boys. "As you develop, and even into your adulthood, you will sometimes develop an erection at times that seem inappropriate. Just know that it's normal and while it can be embarrassing, it does not necessarily mean that you are sexually attracted to anything or anyone at that time". Boy in the front row


Text - iantoevans06 9.1k points · 20 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago We had a girl in our class ask our science teacher when did she lose her virginity, she answered "when I first had sex"


Text - meowddie2 7.3k points - 18 hours ago Not a teacher, but we had notecards and wrote questions anonymously. One asked- "If both partners have long pubes, will they get tangled? How do you untangle them?" And honestly, I never thought of that.


Text - Gandiddyalf 6.4k points · 17 hours ago Once asked the question to a group of Year 9 students: "what do you do if you want to have sex and you can't find a condom?" Student 1 (Male): Surely you can find something in your house?! Maybe cling film? Student 2 (Female): Yeah! Or maybe tinfoil! Fucking TIN FOIL!


Text - edgarpickle 2.9k points · 20 hours ago One of my favorite moments from my high school days! We had health as part of our PE class, and they always got the PE teachers to teach it. And of course one week of it was sex ed. We had this dumb football coach who basically read us the text book for a week rather than actually deal with the subject. Not really because of any squeamishness but mostly because it wasn't related to football, and that's all he cared about. I didn't know it was possibl


Text - kidcanada999 1.2k points · 19 hours ago Boy Kid asked "What if it gets stuck?"


Text - AlphaDigitGenZ 2.5k points · 20 hours ago Had a class mate ask if he could use a WATER BALOON as a condom.


Text - RecharginMyLaza 2.4k points · 21 hours ago Not a teacher, but way back in Grade 6 we had Sex- ed and the teacher had us write down questions on paper one day. She told us not to put our names because the next day we will be drawing the questions out of a hat to read aloud and then the teacher would answer them. So, the next day, and my turn comes up to draw a question. I pull the paper out of the hat and begin reading "Can women masturbate with a pillow between their legs? signed (a femal


Text - SIP_eng_ATL 2.3k points · 20 hours ago When I was in 6th or 7th grade, the school messed up and didn't pull a kid out of class who's parents had requested. They accidentally exposed a bunch of his parents lies. Among them "Being gay gives you AIDS", and "Masturbating causes cancer". His parents went nuts and pulled him out of public school after that.


Text - crunchyen 1.9k points · 20 hours ago Not a teacher, but someone in sex-ed asked: "Is a penis considered a bone?"


Text - tricksterj 1.9k points · 17 hours ago Not a sex ed teacher, but when I was in health we had a younger and fairly attractive female teacher. One of the guys in my class thought it would be funny to ask her favorite flavor of condom. She just smiled and said "strawberry". None of us expected it. I'm not sure if the guy creamed himself from the mental image or wanted to die from embarrassment, but it was a great class.


Text - imbaby1210 1.7k points · 23 hours ago "Does the vagina stay giant after a baby?"


Text - jdka_123 1.3k points · 22 hours ago Somebody asked how he could get an orgasm.


Text - bigthinkmemes69 1.1k points 19 hours ago Not a teacher, but when I was in the 8th grade this guy in my class asked if a male could get pregnant if he swallowed am egg. The teacher decided to let a student explain to him why he couldn't. That student was me.


Text - Kitsunemon 977 points · 21 hours ago One of the girls in my class (I wasnt the teacher obv) thought that she would become pregnant if she shared the toilet with a boy. She was 15.

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