Friday, May 8, 2020

Manager Tries To Fire Employee, Ends Up Out Of Job

This manager was power tripping all over the place. Fortunately, the employee was ready to take their revenge, and the manager's fraudulent practices end up being their ultimate undoing. We love a good revenge story where the manager gets what was coming to them in the end. 


Text - r/ProRevenge + JOIN u/swimlikeaduck • 5h Manager tries fire me and then ends up out of a job So l'm not too sure if this is 'pro revenge' but l'll just write down my experience. Also a long one I worked for this semi national corporation selling gym memberships for our facilities. We had monthly targets that we had to achieve and unfortunately our targets were set ridiculously high for our facilities. Our gym included 3 treadmill, 2 bikes, 2 cross trainers 1 rowing machine a small free we


Text - My first manager was great and would regularly boost confidence of all the staff. Help bring in customers and new members with great advertising and relationships with other corporations so we could have corporate memberships. They then moved to another bigger site, totally understandable. The new manager was an absolute tool. I went on a course to gain a new qualification and for such I took holiday. Whilst on the course (that I took holiday for) he called me up at 7pm informing me that


Text - A few weeks later I was in a car accident that wasn't my fault and was off work for a week recovering as I had injuries from it and also no courtesy car so I couldn't drive the hour to work. He rang me up threatening to fire me as I wasn't going to hit targets even though i couldn't physically get to work. He demanded me best friend bring me to work immediately. I declined. He put me on a warning for not hitting that months target which he can 'technically' do.


Text - Our corporate memberships were low and he was complaining that I was making him look bad. He had offered corporate memberships to this new business for free behind my back. Knowing we couldn't do this, when they came in to sign up I did it the correct way and set up a direct debit and made them pay which they seemed to have no problem with. My manager caught wind of this and then changed all of the bank details on each of the corporate members account to my bank account. He told me after


Text - Low and behold he conveniently forgot. (I suspected that this was to keep monthly revenue up as since he'd came it had severely dropped in all areas) £500 came out of my account and I got charged overdraft too. He said he'd refund it when it came to the end of the month for revenue figures (not too sure) I gave him 1 more chance. Another £500 went out of my account. With more overdraft charges.I proceeded to hand my notice in.


Text - I went to the bank gathered all my evidence and a note from a solicitor saying that we would be pressing charges if he didn't refund me. I marched into the office and presented all my evidence. Fortunately his boss was in the office that day. Along with the note that he signed earlier and all my evidence his boss agreed to refund £1500. The overdraft charges had added a £250 each time. His boss was furious. Alongside the lost revenue that was the new managers fault and the now £1500 the c

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