Thursday, April 30, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Captain America Sees Through Nick Fury's Genius

Wow, this is one of the best parts about the world of Tumblr. The dedication from fans to analyze the tiniest of details in various films. In this case, we're dealing with Captain America: The First Avenger. The thread looks at why Steve was staring so intently at the "nurse" who came in to check on him. The jokes suggest he was checking her out after taking a long snooze. While this thread says that Steve was observing the mistakes present in the nurse's getup. From there, it's suggested that Nick Fury did it intentionally. That sly genius, indeed. 


Face - sabacc Steve Rogers did, in fact, realize that something was off when he saw the outline of the woman's odd bra (a push-up bra, he would later learn), but being an officer and a gentleman, he said that it was the game that gave the future away. winterthirst #EXCUSE ME MAʼAM BUT YOUR TITTIES ARE NOT CONES I'M CALLING BULLSHIT (via)


Text - lohelim No, see, this scene is just amazing. The costume department deserves so many kudos for this, it's unreal, especially given the fact that they pulled off Peggy pretty much flawlessly. 1) Her hair is completely wrong for the 40's. No professional/working woman would have her hair loose like that. Since they're trying to pass this off as a military hospital, Steve would know that she would at least have her hair carefully pulled back, if maybe not in the elaborate coiffures that woul


Text - 3) That. Bra. There is so much clashing between that bra and what Steve would expect (remember, he worked with a bunch of women for a long time) that it has to be intentional. She's wearing a foam cup, which would have been unheard of back then. It's also an exceptionally old or ill-fitting bra - why else can you see the tops of the cups? No woman would have been caught dead with misbehaving lingerie like that back then, and the soft satin cups of 40's lingerie made it nearly impossible a


Text - kk-maker Nope, Nick Fury totally did this on purpose. There's no knowing what kind of condition Steve's in, or what kind of person he really is, after decades of nostalgia blur the reality and the long years in the ice (after a plane crash and a shitload of radiation) do their work. (Pre-crash Steve is in lots of files, l'm sure. Nick Fury does not trust files.) So Fury instructs his people to build a stage, and makes sure that the right people put up some of the wrong cues. Maybe the rea


Text - The real question here is, how long it does it take for the man, the myth, the legend to notice? What does he do about it? How long does he wait to get his bearings, confirm his suspicions, and gather information before attempting busting out? Turns out the answer's about forty-five seconds. marguerite26 Sometimes clever posts die a quiet death in the abyss of the unreblogged. Some clever posts get attention, get comments, get better. Then there's this one which I've watched evolve into a

6. Here's the scene in question.

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