Sunday, April 19, 2020

Guy Loses Roommate's Laptop, Still Doesn't Think He's at Fault

Having a bad roommate can result in some interesting, but stressful bad roommate moments and stories. For example, this other guy got back at his thieving roommate with a booby trap USB. In this case, after some escalation, this guy got his roommates laptop stolen when he tried to hide it, and he went to the internet to ask if he was in the wrong. The internet made sure he knew just how wrong he was.


Text - r/AmItheAsshole - Posted by u/aitathrowway6031 1 day ago AITA for hiding my friends laptop because he imposed restrictions on me in my house? Asshole I know the title sounds bad but please hear me out. This is my first year in college. Everything is working out fine EXCEPT for my roommate. Ever since I moved here I just can't stand him. Why? I can write a whole story about why I despise this person but I don't wanna keep this long so I will just mention the key points. 1. He is really mes


Text - Text - 3. He would leave a mess everywhere until I had to explain to him like he is a little kid as to why it's not good to have a dirty house. 4. Bathroom smells horrible whenever he leaves it. He can't even clean the toilet after use. Luckily though, I would rarely see him because I would spend most of my times at either the library, gym or with friends or my girlfriend after classes. Now though, because of what is happening, I must stay in the house which is killing me. I now have to w


Text - Text - back to me when he finishes studying as he can't concentrate. I got so pissed off because again IT'S JUST 10-15 MINUTES, maybe 20 with breaks in between. I never complain when he bothers me but he can't even handle this. Because of this, I hid his laptop when he was out today. While I was working out, he asked me if I had seen his laptop and I told him I will give it to him after I finish working out. He said he has an online exam tomorrow and that he needs it now to revise but I r


Text - arazutas 5.8k points · 1 day ago YTA. You hid a laptop OUTSIDE? You talk about having to explain things to him "like a kid" and then don't understand the basic concept of not leaving expensive items out where people can easily see and access them. You owe him a new laptop, immediately. Real question, though- if you were fine with going outside to hide a laptop, why couldn't you just go stand outside in front of your place for the "only 10-15" minutes to jump rope if you knew it was distra


Text - 4games1 Asshole Aficionado [17] 24.2k points · 1 day ago · edited 11 hours ago YTA. You hid his laptop OUTSIDE where it could be stolen. It is your fault his laptop was stolen. You are FULLY TO BLAME.


Text - Derpy7664 Partassipant [1] 7.0k points · 1 day ago YTA for hiding it outside. WHY WOULD YOU EVER HID A LAPTOP OUTSIDE. Like I get you were pissed but your in the wrong for this whole thing. You both should've set a time for you to work out that does interrupt his studying. But no you hid it outside you best buy that boy a new laptop


Text - OhHowIMeantTo 3.5k points - 21 hours ago · edited 21 hours ago 32 YTA. Let's rewrite your post from your roommate's perspective. Ever since my friend and I decided to rent a house together, it seems like he has just been desperately searching for reasons to complain about me. He has been completely unreasonable, and blames me for all of our problems. Let's go through them. 1. He complains that the bathroom smells after I use it. Seriously? Does he really think his shit doesn't stink? It t


Text - 3. He doesn't have a TV. Remembering he was a friend first before we were ever roommates, and trying to help ease tensions, I let him come into my room whenever he wants to watch the TV in my room. Except he's started complaining about how cluttered my room is. I'm doing him a favor, and apparently what I'm doing for him isn't good enough. He's still bitching about me not making my bed or not putting my clothes in the laundry hamper. Things have gotten worse since we've been put into quar


Text - What the hell. I might be stuck at home, but I still have classes to take remotely, and I'm in the middle of preparing for my big exam tomorrow. After I've asked him several times to take the jump rope outside, he's still doing it. It's a huge distraction. So, yeah, I admit this is petty, but I took his jump rope. He flipped out, and threatened me saying he is physically stronger and can seriously hurt me. I ignored his threats of violence, and went out for a bit. When I came back to cont


Text - I'm furious. He's going to make me fail my classes, and I'm out a laptop. I can't afford a new one in my student budget, not to mention all of my work was saved in there. He is absolving himself of any responsibility because technically he wasn't the one who stole it. But he doesn't seem to care that he's the reason why it was stolen in the first place! Now he is going on and on mocking me for being upset. How do I deal with this nightmare roommate until our lease is up? Our friendship is

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