Saturday, April 18, 2020

Cultures Collide Over What Lemonade Is

This fun Tumblr thread escalates quickly as cultures collide over what lemonade actually is. We get to see how Americans can exhibit such shock when they come to learn that the rest of the world doesn't operate the same as them. Madness. And in this case, it boils down to how people perceived lemonade. Apparently, some folks consider lemonade to be a fizzy, Sprite kind of beverage. That's cool. When life gives you lemons, make Sprite. 


Text - fuck-customers Lmao this American girl walked up to a Hungry Jacks (Burger King) register with her drink and really, really loudly (I was at the other side of the place) proclaimed: "I asked for Lemonade, you gave me Sprite" in a really bitchy, entitled voice. The cashier (and everyone within earshot) just looked at her like "the fuck is wrong with you" In Australia, Sprite IS lemonade as far as we're concerned. Enjoy your 90c refund you cheap ass ho. jhenne-bean "Sprite IS lemonade as fa


Text - fleamont Yeah this is correct. Lemonade is sprite. Clear fizzy liquid type thing. Solo is closer to what American lemonade is but we don't actually have what you guys consider lemonade anyway so she was never going to get what she wanted Imao. freshest-tittymilk Y'ALL AIN'T GOT LEMONADE?!?!?? madness. kingjaffejoffer "we don't actually have what you guys consider lemonade"


Text - thetallblacknerd That entire continent exists on a different realm of existence blasianxbri What the.. Lmao yosoyleche Why is it called lemonade then? fiontan @casualswfan What is wrong with you guys? casualswfan IT IS THE SAME DAMN THING. You Yankees and your fifty brands of the same :P fiontan LEMONADE AND SPRITE ARE NOTHING ALIKE lantilles Things heating up in the drink fandom


Text - Text - fairytalesandimaginings I'm pretty sure the same is true in the UK at least was in 2010 except Sprite didn't seem to be a common brand so l'd ask for Sprite get blank looks eventually figured out to ask for lemonade questions-within-questions Sprite is a recognised brand here, but it's not omnipresent, it is also considered a brand of lemonade. mukkora This is fucked up. tparadox Sprite: lemon-lime soda (pop/carbonated beverage). Lemonade: lemons, water, and sugar. Stil. zarekthelo


Text - romansnow Sprite, the lemon-lime flavored carbonated beverage, is made on Earth. Earth is the third planet from the Sun, the densest planet in the Solar System, the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets, and the only astronomical object known to harbor Sprite. The people of Earth are known as "Earthlings" or "Spriteloids" interchangeably (although not to each other). philsandifer At least in the UK, if you order lemonade you'll sometimes get Sprite, but if it's proper it'


Text - bre-e-e-e @kingkilling-and-stormlight so... what you are all saying is. Lemonade is . not fizzy.. in America? lierdumoa You guys have orange juice at least, right? Grapefruit juice? In the US, Lemonade is a juice, like orange juice, but made with lemons instead of oranges. You can buy "fresh squeezed lemonade" at many restaurants and fast food venues. Typically it's diluted a bit with sugar water, so the sour flavor of the raw lemon juice isn't so overpowering. In the south, it's very com


Text - rashaka oh wow I hadn't even considered that. Like millions of people worldwide hearing the album title but not understanding what lemonade means even on the most superficial level. maramcgregor This is so epically disturbing. Lemonade is such an integral part of spring and summertime. I just . this breaks my brain and my heart. The cultural references too. Just, all the American shows that reference lemonade and people in other countries are thinking Sprite? There's a reason kids do fres


Text - assam-wow I love how confused and scared Americans get when they find out not all countries are like America perpetuallyfive No see but the problem is this. Some Americans really do think that the world is just like us and are surprised to discover it's not. But the rest of Americans tend to think the rest of the world is probably WAY BETTER, so to discover that you don't even have real fucking lemonade is like learning you guys have to shit in a hole or run your lights using a man-powere

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