Sunday, July 30, 2023

'I quit on the same day': Worker quits on their first day after spotting multiple red flags at their new job

This story will be familiar to anyone who has worked in service or retail, with both entire industries being plagued by employers who require you to show up early—without being paid for it—or finish tasks after closing after being automatically clocked out when the doors locked. Managing these businesses isn't much better, earning only moderately better pay while being made to work more unpaid hours that actually pushes your earning back down to (or below) minimum wage.

Combine this with chronic understaffing—to the point where workers are often forced to skip breaks out of necessity—and it's no surprise that there are a lot of people working these jobs who are completely burned out. 

That's not to say that every location or every employer is like this—so it's not easy to see the signs and red flags during the interview—but the cracks usually become readily apparent as soon as you start if you know what you're looking for. 

This worker began to notice some bad signs at their new job when their coworkers referenced coming in early to ease the workload and skipping their breaks as if it was normal. They decided to call it and called it quits on their first day.

See their story below, originally shared with an online workplace discussion community. Next, see this worker who was fired after giving her notice while her employer also torpedoed her new role. 

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