Wednesday, June 7, 2023

'AM transistor radios from Radio Shack': 25 Old things people miss from the pre-internet era

What do you miss most from the days before the internet's glowing screens took up all our time? It turns out that lots of people have things they're nostalgic for! As numerous Twitter users shared, starting with @ThatEricAlper's prompt tweet, people miss everything from getting catalogues in the mail to being harder to get in contact with. 

I still recall the days of having to travel to a library if I wanted to use a computer. We just didn't have a computer at our house at the time, and cell phones were still used just for calls and a bit of texting. If you had to write a book report, you had to check out books and photocopy the pages. It was so surreal compared with the screens-at-all-times lifestyle that's become the norm today.

People did used to be so offline, and yes, as some people noted, you did get bored pretty often! Today's kids may never know the feeling of boredom due to constant interactions with phones, iPads, and TVs. It was certainly a whole different world, and it's intriguing to hear what people reminisce about most fondly. 

Next up, this landlord has a staggering request to make of his tenant. 

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