Friday, May 19, 2023

'[I] was terminated for the third time': Beloved and overworked employee gets fired for "underperforming," sparks professional dialogue on how to bounce back

When it comes to looking for a job, it is not easy these days. The amount of experience required, combined with education standards, edict, etc. in this economy is outrageous. Back in the day, as long as you were wanting to work, you could usually find a job. Now, even if you want to be a cashier at your local fast food restaurant, you need at least five years experience. So when you find somewhere you enjoy working, you don't want to let it go. However, sometimes that simply is just not your call. 

Sometimes you try your hardest and you still get let go. That is just how the workforce crumbles these days, unfortunately. So what do you do when that happens? You don't want to burn any bridges on your way out, but you also feel snubbed. Well, one millennial recently turned to Reddit to seek advice on just this. "I want to hear how folks bounced back, either in similar roles of if they went in a new direction," they write. "I am curious about ways to build habits that aren't based on the habits and patterns I have used since I was a child as well."

The Reddit poster was recently let go from a non-profit job they were working where they felt very comfortable and were loved by coworkers and clients. The employer still let them go and explained why, which the Redditor understood and accepted. He exited the job gracefully, but is no lost. They don't know what they need to change in order to hold a job for longer. Apparently, this is the third time they have been fired in their professional career and they take that as a sign to focus inward and better themselves. 

Many working people have fled to the comment section to give their advice on how to bounce back from being fired and even personal stories of their own triumphs after being let go. Scroll on and see for your self below. Luckily, he was beloved by his coworker, unlike this colleague who ended up getting pranked into insanity for being a rude and condescending person to work with

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