Saturday, January 21, 2023

'I have a roommate that says she only needs to brush her teeth once a week on Sunday': 30+ People who ratted out their worst roommates ever

You never really know a person's quirks and habits fully until you've lived with them. For these poor roommates, it's too late! They're already stuck living with a person who is convinced that they're doing everything right, and their roommate is the one interfering, actually. 

I've had wonderful luck with roommates in my own life, they all were normal and clean (great qualities in a cohabitator). The worst thing that ever happened was when my roommate put an egg in the microwave and as soon as she took it out, it exploded! It got in her hair, splattered on our carpet, it ruined the bowl…and we were laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. (Who knew eggs were explosive?!) It was a whole situation at the time, but it became a funny memory

No one is perfect, you just have to try to get along with the room mate you're assigned to, whether in a college dorm or a four person apartment. The poor people below had some of the worst roommates I've ever heard of! There are some genuinely weird dudes and dudettes in the world, and they don't stop being oddballs just because they're living with someone. If anything, they get too comfortable and increase their socially awkward habits.

Check out these insane roommate tidbits below. Then, give a big side-eye to this annoying mom who demanded a seller go above and beyond to bring her free products. 

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