Wednesday, November 16, 2022

'Have you tried wearing a shirt and a tie?': Random unhinged stranger accosts job-seeker in blistering rant, internet divided

Receiving unsolicited advice from random strangers always leads to an unsavory interaction…

This user posted to Reddit to explain their most recent run-in with an aggressive stranger who had some unwanted advice for the OP. While the OP was searching for a new job and weathering the stress of interviewing, they decided to grab a meal with a friend. But suddenly, a random stranger walked up to the group and said, "Have you tried wearing a shirt and tie?"

From there, the conversation got explosive. OP was not happy to hear this during such a stressful time in their life, and completely flipped out. After posting about it to Reddit, commenters chimed in with their own opinions about how people should dress for job interviews. Is it ok to dress how the workplace dresses, even if it's casual? Or should people always wear suits or dresses to interviews, even if that tradition is kind of old? Commenters were completely divided - and not just by age, as some older people sided with the OP. Keep reading about this dramatic encounter below. 

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