Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Guy makes calculated purchase for wife's expensive smart watch, buys her a color she doesn't wear

There's something to be said for trying — but the last thing you want to do with a half-baked gesture is expose how little you listen to (or care) about your partner's wants and wishes. It doesn't take that much time or great observational skills to take note of the things that your partner enjoys; one might hope that, through general time spent together, it's something you'd just naturally and innately come to know. 

I say this despite myself having the observational skills of a deaf bat and the propensity to make a color "work" for a deal. Yet, even I know that my girlfriend loves the color green (everything we own is the same damn shade of it) and wouldn't be caught dead wearing silver-toned jewelry.

Well, this guy missed the memo when he elected to go for the deal and nab his wife a silver Apple Watch; his wife's distaste for a silver tone would soon cause a rift between the couple when she accused him of deliberately ordering a color she wouldn't like. Now, I'll default to Hanlon's Razor here and say that the wife's accusation isn't necessarily fair, for you should "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity," — granted, there's a fair amount of stupidity going on here; it's also definitely not the first time something like this has happened.

It's fair to say that saving money and being frugal is important when considering the family's finances — but talking about replacing an Apple Watch that's "a few years old" solely because of the battery life makes me think finances are of little concern here…

This guy needs to get to the heart of the issue and sort out why his wife is feeling this way, because it's certainly not an isolated incident. 

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