Sunday, November 13, 2022

Aunt okays nephew's outrageous wedding outfit and overrules his mother's wishes

Can we still be an a-hole if our intent was well-meaning? Well, probably. That's the answer that Reddit gave this aunt after she approved her nephew's super-extra outfit for her wedding, which — it turns out, was a really bad idea. 

The big short of the situation is this: The super cool aunt and her fiancé are pretty artsy people; they wanted people to dress in whatever colors and manner they preferred, just as long as it was nice and a little bit "fancy." Her nephew really took to this idea and ran with it, he had this entire outfit planned out, putting careful thought into every detail. Except, when he went to his mother for approval, she vetoed the idea, so he turned to his aunt for approval, which she gave, despite knowing that his mother had already said "no."

The aunt posted her story to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit to see whether or not she was in the wrong for the actions that she took and for her part in this debacle. Reddit was pretty ruthless in declaring that she was, in fact, the a-hole.

What's your take on this one?

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