Thursday, March 3, 2022

Deranged Husband Roasted After He Secretly Records His Wife and Her Friends at "Girls Night In"

A wife has revealed her husband's betrayal to her friends after she caught him secretly recording their conversations during a girl's night in.

The husband became incensed over his wife's revelation and claimed that his wife "Should've let him join [them] if [they] had nothing to hide." She has now taken to the r/AmItheAsshole subreddit to appeal to outside opinion and see if she is somehow in the wrong in ways that she doesn't yet realize.

u/WeekThrowRA309 was looking to have an evening with just her and her friends, so she asked her husband if it would be alright to have a "girl's night in" at their place. He initially suggested that they get a hotel to hold the event before begrudgingly agreeing that they could hold it at their house as long as he could attend.

That in itself is a little bit weird. There shouldn't be any reason why any member of the relationship cannot host their friends at the house whenever they want. Barring something reasonable like having work or an important meeting early the following day, that is.

 His subsequent actions show what a walking red flag he is, and we tend to agree with commenters that she is better off without him.

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