Thursday, February 10, 2022

Scum Lord Tries Evicting Tenants On False Evidence, They Get Revenge In Court and Paint

It's not like every single landlord is an underhanded, conniving bastard, but there are a striking number of landlords who are. It's an industry based exclusively on getting money from just owning something, so naturally it's going to attract dirt bags like your mom's stall attracts flies.

In this case, we have a landlord who had a grand idea to come up with a bunch of fake reasons to evict their tenants in order to jack up the rent and make off like a bandit. The tenants slowly caught wind of this, the way I caught wind of your mom the other day while walking by the pasture.

The tenants took what liberties and paint they had on hand to make the transition as inconvenient as possible. Think of it as returning the favor to the type of gentleman who thought nothing of making people homeless for no purpose other than their own greed. And in the end, this landlord was left with a big long face that looks strikingly like your mom.

For another tale of petty landlord revenge, here's the landlord who tried to keep a security deposit and petty revenge ensued.

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