Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Electricians, Plumbers, And Tradespeople That Noped Out Of Jobs

Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of a gig that you've invested a whole lot of training in, only to realize that said gig is speeding toward complete disaster. The imminent disaster could be the result of a rather terribly entitled customer, or perhaps the very thing you're expected to repair is honestly beyond salvaging. Such a situation can occur. These electricians, plumbers, and tradespeople had their run-ins with insurmountable jobs. 


Font - bvswcaveman • 18h Landscaper here. Honestly it's about 50% of the meetings I go to. Learning how to say no is essential in this business. You can go out of business doing not good jobs quicker than you can not working G Reply 640


Font - dahopppa · 14h I was called out for a termite inspection. Homeowners said they had been told for years they had a problem but it took one of their bedrooms floors collapsing to finally do something about it. I hauled only thing that was keeping the floor from fully collapsing was a single electrical wire that at any moment it could snap and collapse the floor on me. out of the crawl space when I found the G Reply 4 143 ...


Font - in-a-microbus • 16h I was an "engineer" for a company that sold fittings. One of the sales guys came in looking like he'd just seen a ghost. He'd been to a processing plant that made vegetable oil. He said they had 10,000 gallon tanks of vegetable oil and hexane (basically gasoline) and you could see (through a sight-glass) inside the tank static electricity was arcing! The safety committee concluded that without any oxygen in the tank there was no explosion hazard. They asked me to do a


Rectangle - Im_question_mark • 14h Electrician, guy wanted me to rewire his kitchen without turning the power off in the kitchen. Got mad when I told him no G Reply 115 3 ...


Font - nuggets37 · 15h Went to work at a pet store and when I lifted the ceiling tiles there was tarantulas crawling around. I put the ceiling tile back and called my boss and told him no. G Reply 1 152 3 ...


Organism - pete1729 · 13h A guy pulled all the collar ties out of the roof structure of his house, he wanted me to sheetrock the bare roof rafters. The walls were bowing out. I tried to talk sense to him, but he acted like I was trying to deny his right to a cathedral ceiling. I told him l'd get back to him, I didn't. G Reply 33 ...


Organism - realrussell • 9h Yes. One reason being that people don't understand that their "budget" has nothing to do with the actual cost of getting something done. I can't drop my price and break even on a project because you don't know how to budget properly. G Reply 16 ...


Organism - StimpyYouldiot • 7h I am a roofer, and during a leak repair both feet went through a roof on a 3 story warehouse. Luckily I got nut checked by a beam and held on for dear life. Called supervisor and got the response "can you fix it?". Dude didn't even ask if I was okay. So I fixed the holes and noped out of that job. G Reply 8 ...


Rectangle - Fearless_Ad_3149 · 9h Sheet Metal Worker - union business agent sent me on new project. The Forman was such a prick, real asshole attitude, so I quit after only 5 minutes on the job. I was about to drive away when he approached my car window and was really mad. G Reply 1 7 ...


Handwriting - King-Nougie-the-3rd • 4h Not me but my uncle is a plumber and he told me that he had a job offered to him at a elementary school and after the first day he quit because of how bad it was there Reply Vote ...

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