Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Dumbest Rules People's Schools Enforced

Just because they're rules doesn't mean that they're logically sound. In fact, some rules end up creating more unwanted chaos than originally existed. The old saying about how "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", is still being passed around for a reason. There's a strange order to the things that we view in this life as being disorderly. Of course, there are plenty of exceptions, but sometimes folks can really help themselves out by not tinkering around too much with what's already there. 


Font - Safe_Use4057 • 12h 3 4 Awards We were all given these ugly planners at the beginning of the school year, with a few pages at the back filled with 'hall passes'. If you didn't have your planner, or if all your boxes were filled, you weren't allowed to go to the bathroom. And no, you couldn't buy a new planner. Or borrow one from your friend. The only excuse you had was if you had a doctor's note, but no doctor is going to give a note for an upset stomach caused by the school lunch G Reply


Rectangle - Gonenutz • 11h 3 8 Awards No backpacks to class, but purses were allowed. Girls started carring around purses big enough to be considered a backpack, guys got pissed started carrying purses too. G Reply 1 19.7k 3 ...


Font - Samus388 · 11h 9 Awards In my freshman year of high school we had a terrible vandalism problem, the bathrooms would be broken in various ways almost constantly. In a stroke of pure genius, the staff decided that any bathroom that was vandalized would be closed for the week on first offense, the quarter for second, and permanently on the third offense. They took back the rule after closing every bathroom on day one G Reply 1 17.9k ...


Font - ScarHead1995• 12h My school banned backpacks at one point. To protest boys just didn't bring anything with them to class and girl brought really big purses. G Reply 2.7k 3


Human body - letitgrow • 11h 7 Awards In 6th grade they switched out all student chairs for large rubber stability balls. There was a strict "no bouncing" rule. It was a disaster.


Font - Seagull_Friend • 12h S 1 Award No fist bumps. There reason for this is that kids might accidentally punch the other person in the face.


Font - RedTsar1917• 14h 4 Awards They banned wristwatches. No one knows what the reason was. G Reply 4 29.1k 3 ...


Product - Endless_Vanity • 14h Took all the doors off the men's room bathroom stalls because of vandalism for 2 months. 6 Reply 9.6k ...


Rectangle - SocalGSC92 • 12h 1 Award you got in trouble if you wore just a hanes white t-shirt after school because "you were in your underwear" G Reply 1 11.6k ...


Font - thinkguava • 13h 4 Awards "Shoes are to be worn as the manufacturer intended." I have no clue who was wearing their shoes incorrectly (or how), but this line, verbatim, was repeated to us over the morning announcements when there were perceived infractions at various points throughout the year. G Reply 17.3k ...


Font - Lockdownki • 12h They banned dodgeball G Reply 1 3.2k ... +


Font - my_young_padawan • 12h Everyone had to eat lunch silently. No talking. On FRIDAYS. G Reply 1 1.4k + ...


Rectangle - Hello_Sweetie25 • 13h they banned nail polish. G Reply 1.1k ...

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