Saturday, February 27, 2021

Tumblr Post: A Different Take On How Relationships Evolve Over Time

The movies and romance books in this world have an uncanny knack for instilling in so many of us an unrealistic idea about what love with our respective partners is supposed to look like. This can ultimately contribute towards all kinds of unnecessary anxiety, guilt, sadness, frustration because that love affair that you were once so completely, helplessly overwhelmed by has ended up looking like something that doesn't line up with the picture that a Rom-Com paints. With that being said, this heartfelt Tumblr post effectively breaks down the stereotypes that encircle what a loving relationship can look like with your partner. 


Font - A post about romantic relationships jesuis-kate: pretty-littlefitness: theworrierqueen: chazzfox: helloelloh: so l've been in a relationship for 5 years now. And I see a lot of posts about how people think relationships mean having butterflies forever, your heart beating faster when they walk into a room, about cuddling together every night, legs intertwined, that you'd be so happy to live together you'd


Font - sleep on a double bed with each other every night. And its not really like that, at least not to me. You stop getting the butterflies when you live together. Your heart no longer speeds up when you see them, but instead, everything calms down. When youre in the room with them, you feel calm, and secure. When you cuddle them you feel your heart beat slow, and the sound of their breathing carry you towards comfort. It doesnt feel like a roller coaster anymore, it feels like home. You don't


Font - legs twisted between theirs so tight its hard to tell where yours begin and theirs end. Instead, you sleep comfortably, side by side, sometimes facing different directions. But every night, you find yourself scooting backwards on the bed so you bump into them. You snuggle against their arm, or stroke their hair as they fall asleep. There are nights when my boyfriend, in his sleep, reaches around me and pulls me to him, like a child with his teddybear, like I am his comfort. In the wee hou


Font - blue and you see through cracked eyes, you curl into their chest and inhale their scent before drifting back to sleep. Kisses aren't always romantic and firey anymore. But there are so much more of them now. There are cold kisses when you're eating ice cream in the summer, and sticky kisses over breakfast pancakes. There's "im leaving now" kisses, and "one more kiss before you go" kisses. There's sleepy morning kisses before work, when you don't remember the alarm going off but instead th


Font - There's kisses before sleep, and, you are so sweet with the things you do kisses. There's kisses because you treat animals so tenderly, and l'm so glad i'm with you and not someone else kisses. There's quick kisses in the aisles of the grocery store, when its loud and you gravitate together, when instead of having your own personal space and their own personal space, its both of yours together, and you step into their chest to take up less area together. You don't always text each other w


Font - to quirky inside jokes about the life youve built together. You share looks of exasperation and amusement in public, your own little world against the outside one. Relationships aren't always a fairy tale. They're not always fireworks and sparks, at least, after the start. But they are a quiet rhythm and hum of love and care. It's not a fire in your soul, but one in your hearth, keeping you warm and comfortable, comforting you as you drowsily drift into sleep. And I love that.

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