Monday, February 1, 2021

Boss Uses Eye Gag to Remove Problem Customers

Gotta love a manager with a sense of humor to match their intolerance for idiotic customers. Employees have dealt with some ridiculous customer demands, having to debase themselves for the flawed and almighty " customer is always right" mentality. Here's another one where a customer weaponized a tip jar to defeat a Karen.


Font - Posted by u/Winiri 10 hours ago 2 O 6 20 3 20 9 E 12 My Boss Scared Off Rude Customers by Literally Taking a Closer Look oc M I used to work at a store, run by a woman named Irene. She would buy vintage and high end items, repair them, and then sell them in the store. We didn't have multiple sizes of things and the only bulk items we bought were little trinkets and soaps, sometimes jewelry.


Font - One day, when Irene had gone out to get more supplies, the Dickless couple walked in. The wife, who looked like vegan cat vomit rolled in crystals and hemp, was on the wrong foot the moment she opened her mouth. Jerkina seemed to think we were her slaves, that she was queen of the world, and everything had to be in her size. Her husband Vernon would grunt and repeat what she said in a more nasally aggressive voice. It was the longest two hours of my life.


Font - We had everything have extras in the back. After explaining that to organized by size, and did not Jerkina for the 100th time, I was about to throw a purse at her head. "This is not my size. Why don't you have my size?" I told her to maybe look at a larger size rack, because obviously she was not a two (she was a six). "No, no, no! I am a two. I have always been a two. I was a two when I had my kids. I am a two now." Vernon repeated the same thing, "No. She is a two. A two. A TWO."


Font - Irene came in while the happy couple was shopping and asked what the problem was (to me) because I had that look. I explained the woman was being picky. Eventually the woman stormed up again, with a pair of pants, demanding I read her the size. I told her the size (a 6) and she said, "I am a TWO not a SIX. Why do I fit into these?" Irene ended up speaking with her. "Those are a six. If you fit into them, then you are not a two."


Font - Jerkina got silent, turned to her husband, and waved the pants around. Vernon said, "Now, listen here, I don't like the way you guys have been helping my wife. She asks questions and gets attitude. You should use your eyes and actually look at the tag and see if there is a problem. She wants to know the size, tell her the size." Irene agrees. "Sure. I will take a closer look."


Font - She puts the pants on the counter, pops out her glass eye, and holds it close to the tag. "Still a six." I start laughing so hard I have to sit down. The couple sputtered, waved their hands around like blind birds, and storm out. They left a huge mess I had to help clean up, but only after I spent twenty minutes laughing about it with Irene and the other cashier Helen. Irene gave me money to get us all coffee, we closed early, and cleaned up the store. Irene was the best boss I ever had.


Font - 17F150XLT 8 hours ago I'm so used to malicious compliance being an employee vs management, or child vs parent story. This was a really nice twist, and very well written. Thanks for sharing. O Vote Reply Share Report Save Winiri 7 hours ago Irene was an amazing boss, but she used to work retail so she was already dead against rude people

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