Monday, January 4, 2021

"Poor" Student Tries To Buy Photography Lens

The fact that this cheap and delusional choosing beggar came right out of the gate dishing out the "dear" left and right, was already a bright red flag. We're not sure what compels these cheap choosing beggars to stubbornly continue onward in their ways, but it's truly a spectacle to behold. At the end of the day though, they're just wasting the time of the sellers trying to get rid of their stuff in an efficient, timely manner. Check out some more ridiculous choosing beggars content with this entitled goof who tried to get a designer to work for free. 


Text - 76% Sigma 70-200mm f... How much you gave me Asking price is $350 after some consideration due to the mark on the lens I am willing to go down to $250 Which mark


Blue - Small scratch on front element - mentioned in the post and should have photos in comments Ok shit Yes that's why price is very low Used selling price is $700


Blue - Yeh but thats i dont know No worries I will pay for 100 It doesn't impact image quality or leave marks on image Nope got a camera store buying at $200 Never its scratched never give up the store m sure


Text - Depends who you sell to. I use Keh that also do repairs so it's not an issue for them to fix it's still a quality lens with a minor inconvenience if you're not interested then move on I'll make sure to show you the invoice once it's sold Dear last 100 Nope ->


Text - Bro last 120 then keep it bye Good bye a Bye bye dear take care OCT 30, 2020, 3:14 PM Jog offered you $350.00 This offer is not a payment. Purchase details are arranged later with the buyer. Decline Аcсept 300


Text - Too late selling it within the hour sorry 350 рау сash Now I'm sorry but respect for the buyer and their time I have to decline Please dear m a student i cant afford expensive lens please gave me dear


Text - I'm sorry man but I have to be fair in this situation you had your opportunity earlier and chose not to act on it. The buyer is committed and coming a long way I can't do that to them that's extremely disrespectful Please please help me the poor student please


Text - Sorry man I can't do that but I do have a 28-85mm 3.5-4.5, 28mm 2.8 (manual focus) and a 200mm f4 (manual focus) I can sell you for $175 which would $75 less than asking price I want this one you never help poor guy ok as wish As you wish I'm sorry it's too late but are you interested in the other offer

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