Friday, January 15, 2021

Most Hypocritical Behavior People Witnessed

Someone on AskReddit fired up a thread about the most painfully hypocritical behavior that people ever witnessed. Few things in this life bring one's blood to a boil like witnessing someone do the very thing that they openly condemn everyone else for. It's a gross display of ignorance and pretty much some of the most unbecoming behavior that one can adopt. 


Text - Yossi25 · 1d 8 4 Awards I was having a hard time getting a job after college. My step grandmother called me every single name in the book. Every variation of "deadbeat dependent loser" you can possibly think of. Almost every singe time I saw her. "No self discipline, no drive, too dependent on others. I cant believe you can't get a job. I taught my daughters how to work. You're definitely your mothers child. I had expectations for my own kids. All I knew is I had to work." This is the sam


Text - VegelantyJustice • 1d 1 Award There was a girl in one of my classes that spent the entire class on facebook every single day. During a presentation she was giving one day someone noticeably checked their email. We all saw but... we all also knew that she was on Facebook every single day for the entire class. that's why we were all very surprised when she stopped the presentation to scream at this person for being rude and disrespectful and then stormed out. Reply 1 6.1k 3 •..


Text - itsaaronlol • 1d 2 3 8 6 Awards My ex-wife, shortly after we separated, told me when/if I started seeing someone that she would want to meet them before our kids did. Which makes perfect sense. Two months later the guy she had an affair with moved from NC to FL and in with her and my two kids. I still haven't met him and it's been six months. Reply 1 7.5k 3 ...


Text - StandCroissant · 2d 1 Award My girlfriend criticises me for always being on my phone yet is seemingly unaware how much she is on hers. O Reply 4.0k 3 ...


Text - Sorry_about_that_x99 • 1d Someone from work just got back from a holiday visiting family who live out of the continent. Went from "the nightclubs pretended to be closed but were open for anyone that knew. Had so much fun finally going out for a drink" to "I can't believe how bad COVID is here and so many people aren't following the rules. It's infuriating." real fucking quick. + Reply 1.1k ...


Text - captain_cchloe · 2d 1 Award Ex would get mad at me for having guy acquaintances - not even friends really, just from classes or work - and policed my phone and life and the fucker was CHEATING on me :) Reply 5.6k ...


Text - ForensicSasquatch • 1d Ooh, perfect example. When I was in college there was a super immature guy that I believe only got into our private school because his parents had money. One day we were sitting in his dorm room watching tv, and he speaks up: "god, don't you just hate people who steal things for no reason?" The rest of us turned and stared in disbelief. Behind him on a shelf was a collection of all the things he'd stolen from businesses. I remember Red Robin seasoning and bowling sh


Text - JoeBeanLP • 2d A cigarette butt being tossed out the window of a Prius. Reply 4 1.1k


Text - tfm256 • 1d My cousin came to visit my family on mother's day last year. She traveled across three states to see us, and then while she was here she was posting things on her Facebook about how inconsiderate and stupid it is to travel anywhere during that time. Reply 60 3 ...


Text - Glitch_in_the_pink · 2d I worked in retail a long time and I got tired of management bending over backwards to anyone who thought they could rig the system by basically being Karen's, kicking up a fuss and being verbally abusive towards anyone who tried to stop them getting their own way. I would outright refuse to serve them and ask them to leave and being a Supervisor, I was well within my right to do so. I didn't like my staff being verbally or racially abused just for trying to do the


Text - readergirl132 · 1d As a type 1 diabetic that is capable of eating anything a normal person is as long as I take the appropriate amount of insulin to adjust, it makes me livid when people say "you probably shouldn't eat that" to my second slice of pizza, and they then proceed to shotgun a 3 tier wedding cake. E QReply 1 42 3 ...


Text - platitood · 1d Climate change advocates flying to climate change conferences on private jets. 1. yes climate change is real. That's why this is not just hypocritical, but truly offensive. 2. these people exist. Some of them are lovey and well intentioned. I know some off them. It still fits the question. 3. this does not invalidate wanting to mitigate climate change. Hypocrisy is a weak noodle to assault anything. It says nothing about the issues, only about the consistency of the hypocri


Text - alkatori • 1d 1 Award I worked for a small company that hated, hated giving out raises. The owners pulled a neat trick where they sold the company to itself. Then they became board members. As soon as they weren't responsible for the revenue (after all they got the money for the sale) we were getting berated for everyone having a low salary. It was like - you set our prices and the salaries as of last month. We don't HAVE any funds because you sold the business to itself and we need to pa


Text - nelfoo • 1d The people at the local coffee shop talking about fair trade while wearing Nike and texting on their iPhone. E Q Reply 125 3 ...


Text - freedomrunslow • 1d Rich people asking me for money. Then making me feel bad for not. Reply 10 ...


Text - OddDogWarrior · 1d I work in retail and we had a lady storm out of the store saying how she's "never going to shop here ever again". She was mad cause we caught her shop lifting | Reply 1 3 + ...

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