Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Daughter Files Teeth For TikTok, Dad Stops Paying Phone Bill

Kids these days with their wild, dangerous, and alarming susceptibility to subscribing to the next insanely dumb social media trend have the rest of the world pretty discouraged. Maybe it has something to do with the natural and unfortunate evolution of social media apps, and the gradual escalation in the nature of what qualifies as a trend. No matter what it is, there's just no excuse for ludicrous behavior like that of what we see in this story about a daughter filing her teeth for the TikTok clout. What else was dad going to do? 


Text - AITA for taking my daughter's social media away after she followed a dumb trend? Not the A-hole I'd (42M) always considered my daughter (19F) to be smart and trusted her to explore different things on her own without intervention (staying out late, partying, etc.). I was forced to reconsider this after my latest discovery. She filed her teeth down last year following some social media trend, and without asking my wife or me. I found out last week (before Christmas) when I took her to the


Text - We'd already shelled out thousands of dollars to get her braces and she completely trashed it with this stupid decision. We didn't want to ruin the holidays so we wait until after New Years to confront her. She tells us she can "just get more braces later" and dismisses the whole thing. My wife had enough at this point and told her off for a while. After a long discussion, my wife and I decided to downgrade her phone to a very basic call/text (not smartphone) and told her if she wanted to


Text - Thank you all for passing judgement, I read most of the replies on my lunch break (and wow there were many). I received a few private messages on Reddit asking about my daughter's teeth so I want to clarify she'd only filed down her teeth to try to even them out. My wife and me haven't decided what to do next. 3.1k 603 1, Share


Text - purseuitofhappiness · 1d · Partassipant [4] 1 Award NTA. She's an adult. She can pay for her own needs, including her phone and fixing her teeth. Reply 4 5.5k ... +


Text - totallycalledla-a• 1d NTA She filed her teeth down? With what?? 18, even 17, is far too old to be doing such a reckless trend like that. Is she ok mentally? | cruel to take away a kid's access to social media She's not a kid. She's a grown woman. Q Reply 1 1.1k ...


Text - sugartitsgumdrops • 1d · Partassipant [1] I don't know that you can "take away" social media from your adult child. However you can force her to become financially independent, therefore relieving yourself of responsibility for her dumb decisions. You can also refuse to allow her to pursue cosmetic and or voluntary procedure while on your insurance plan. Your buddy is an idiot, lack of social media is not cruel, and even if you don't provide a phone that gives her access please believe sh


Text - ConsistentCheesecake • 1d NTA. She can "just get more braces"? You should sit down with her and explain how much they actually cost! I thought about getting invisalign as an adult bc I never wore my retainer and my teeth slid back a bit to how they were before I got orthodontia the first time, and the price tag stopped me cold. Explain to her that since she's 19, any future braces would be on her to pay for! Also braces aren't even really the issue here, because she permanently damaged he


Text - omahakinkster • 1d • Partassipant [1] NTA if you are paying for it, you can take it. The Parent giveth and the Parent taketh away. + Reply 1 270 ...


Text - MamaFen • 1d • Asshole Aficionado [11] NTA. You paid for braces. She ruined her teeth. Then she thinks you can "just go get her more braces" because, you know, internet likes. If she wants to continue this craziness, she can do it on her own dime. If she's living in your house, she must abide by your rules. Reply 67 3 +


Text - tinkerbell2306 • 1d • Certified Proctologist [25] Nta. Youre paying for it, so you get to decide what you pay for. Can't believe someone would file their own teeth Reply 1 77 ...


Text - revanchisto · 1d · Asshole Enthusiast [8] NTA. She's an adult, but man how can she be so dumb at her adult age to file her teeth down? I saw that story and figured it was young teenagers and kids that didn't know any better, she's 19! Reply 25 3 ...


Text - lemonpaloma · 1d · Partassipant [2] NTA. She is an adult and can do whatever she wants, but it's also entirely your choice how to spend your money. If you don't like the results of money spent on her phone, then you are under no obligation to keep spending money. Especially, since her stupidity cost you thousands of dollars. At nineteen years old, she can pay for her own phone...and self-inflicted dental bills as far as l'm concerned. Reply 1 11 + •..


Text - Left-Apartment-6653 · 1d NTA you had to shell out money for her mistake and this person is 19 with no job I would definitely tell her to get a job if she wants a better phone also if your buddy thinks your wrong tell him to buy your daughter a smart phone Reply ...


Text - w11f1ow3r · 1d · Partassipant [1] NTA. She was unbelievably stupid. I recently chipped off the back half of my two front teeth by accident and they're mostly filling now. I'm going to have to get crowns at some point when the filling fails and my front teeth aren't strong at all. I would do anything to tell 18 year old me to be better at brushing and flossing, because almost 10 years later I have a crown, multiple cavities, and now through no fault of my own have lost my true two front te


Text - revmat • 1d NTA. Iactually saw the few sentences and was all ready to come in here and criticize you for being an overbearing parent but damn was I wrong. She is an adult, and an immature one. You are not obligated to empower or fund her bad choices. Reply 4 5 3 ...


Text - Acceptable_Letter331 · 1d · Asshole Aficionado [17] NTA she can pay for it along with the extensive dental works she'll need herself. Reply 1 2 ...


Text - imareceptionist · 1d NTA. If she wants a smart phone, she can buy a smart phone. If she wants data, she can pay for a phone plan that has it. Charge her rent if she's still living at home to teach her financial responsibility. Reply 1 2 3


Text - Snakesquares · 1d NTA I'd feel guilty funding a phone plan for someone using it to get dipshit ideas. She can pay for her own data. Many youth just don't understand the value of their teeth, and what it means that we only have one set. When I was younger I was prone to getting cavities, but never really improved my sugary diet or how I took care of my teeth because "I can just get it filled again". Well, filling a cavity doesn't really undo the damage. I'm 28 years old now, and I had to g


Text - Certain-Setting-7497 · 1d NTA. Let your bar buddy put her on his cell plan if he's chapped about it. Reply ...


Text - Dad_pancakes • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [7] NTA but I think the proper punishment would have been for her to pay for the dental work not a phone. E QReply ...


Text - Number-29 · 1d · Asshole Aficionado [14] NTA- No offense, but your daughter is moronic. Please tell me your not paying to fix her teeth. She should have to face the consequences of her actions. Reply Vote ...


Text - GrWr44 · 1d NTA Your buddy's right: it's cruel to take away a kid's access to social media and things but she's 19, so she's not a kid. Reply Vote


Text - seba_make · 1d NTA she's 19, she can pay for her own phone. I don't know what is wrong with your friend. She's not 12, what she did is something that can't be undone and it's going to cause more damage to her teeth. You already said she has a job so you should not be having to pay for her phone anyways. Reply 1 Vote


Text - BouncingBirdies • 1d NTA My molars are permanently fucked from grinding my teeth in my sleep (front teeth were spared due to overbite). Obviously there's the sensitivity to deal with, but I also can't crack really hard foods open on my back teeth because the enamel is so worn down on top that there's a visible line between the enamel on the sides and the dentin in the center. I did all that damage while sleeping and regret it every time I put in my bite guard at night. Your daughter chose


Text - GLASYA-LABOLAS • 1d NTA Jesus Christ she should have enough common sense to know that that's a terrible idea. I know she's still young and impressionable but still, the thought of taking any implement (especially a file) makes my whole body shudder. Reply Vote ...

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