Monday, December 7, 2020

Salon Karen Argues Her Way Into New Karen Haircut

They told her that it wouldn't work, but she wanted to get all that hair bleached and flew to close too the sun. It only seems fitting that she end up with the haircut that at least tells other people who they're dealing with. For another tale of Karen, here's a Bridezilla Karen who ended up looking like a pauper at her own wedding.


Yellow - O r/MaliciousCompliance - Posted by u/Puzzleheaded-Dirt-78 4 days ago 14 O 11 S 12 E6 & O O Don't be Karen if you don't want to look like Karen oc L So I remembered a story of malicious compliance, as recounted to me by a good friend of mine. My friend is a hairdresser by trade, and works at a very upscale salon. I go to her myself and can attest to her being amazing. Anyway, this salon had one customer who had been passed around from hairdresser to hairdresser bullying every single one


Text - She was a relatively young gal, maybe in her mid twenties. With very long bottle blond hair (past her waist) that she insisted to everyone who wasn't her hairdresser was her natural color (it was very much not). She went to the salon religiously so no one would ever find out her secret shame. She blamed her hairdresser for all her hair problems (many of which were the results of heavy bleaching and how much heat she used on her hair and her refusal to follow care instructions) and was nev


Text - Anyway, my friend refuses and despite Karen's threats, she knows that the salon owner knows she's too damned good at her job and has too loyal a customer base to fire her so she thinks no more of it until a few months later when the salon reopens, and lo and behold, who should appear in the appointment book but Karen! So the day arrives and Karen shows up with her hair dyed JET BLACK (and not very well dyed either). My friend is shocked because Karen's always made such a big deal about be


Text - Karen is like "No! I am going to be blonde when I leave here today or I am telling your boss that you see clients at home sometimes and getting you fired!" (my friend sometimes does friend's hair at home for a lower price because she's a sweetheart, which her boss is fine with) and "It's your fault I had to dye my own hair this color because my boyfriend would have SEEN MY ROOTS if I hadn't done something!". My friend is tired of Karen's BS at this point but it's a slow day, and she has t


Text - Friend is like "okay" but makes several coworkers be witnesses that this is what Karen is asking for after Friend explained the risks. Friend meanwhile has formulated a fiendish scheme. After that friend goes through the whole process of bleaching Karen's hair. She has to do it like four times or something, and she checks with Karen after each one that she's absolutely sure she has to be all the way back to champagne blonde by the end of the day and recommends stopping at some of the nice


Text - My friend knows Karen's hair won't survive this, but Karen absolutely refuses to let her stop. Eventually at long last my friend manages to get Karen's hair to the required level and so she starts to rinse Karen's hair. It... starts breaking off in her hand, the length of her hair is melted, fried, destroyed. My friend gets the bleach out and immediately conditions the ever loving fuck out of it while explaining to Karen that exactly what my friend said would happen has happened. Karen sa


Text - My friend gives Karen the sharpest, most beautifully cut angled bob you've ever seen (I've seen it thanks to my friend showing me Karen's insta) that despite the incredible precision and skill showcased, is unequivocally and perfectly the Karen. Blown out and styled to "Can I speak to the manager?" perfection, Karen starts crying because the cut makes her look 40. She... wants to speak to the manager. My friend gets the manager and Karen throws a fit, threatening to sue, and how dare they


Text - The boss then asks friend her side of the story and the other hairdressers back her up and that the cut is just her trying to make the best of what's left of her hair. Even the boss by now is sick of Karen's B.S. and Karen is forced to pay the huge sum of money owed for how much time was spent bleaching her hair (much of which is now gone) and leaves swearing never to come back. Her boyfriend (a cop) calls up later and threatens to assault my friend for doing that to Karen's hair "against

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Tagged: hair , bleach , manager , salon , work , blonde , lol , story , funny , karen

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