Thursday, November 12, 2020

Totally Random Tumblr Tidbits Of Pure Golden Proportions

Oh boy, the brilliant yet ever unpredictable minds of Tumblr never cease to amaze us. If you haven't fallen down a rabbit hole on Tumblr yet, amidst your days of exploring the vast expanse of the online world, have you really lived? Maybe not. These Tumblr gems certainly provided a welcomed boost to the Thursday. 

Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this thread about some girls that discovered unequaled joy from a pumpkin patch.


Text - A teaboot The number of times I have been delighted by witty banter only to find out later that I was "Flirting" is both unfortunate and disappointing. teaboot "haha so what about that guy, huh?" Me: what about him "Well you seemed super into him" Me: what why "...dude you were flirting all night" Мe: Me: Whoms't™TM


Text - trainerdelaney I found out several of my female coworkers were planning on trying to get our male coworker to ask me out because “You guys kept flirting" but I was like "We were literally just goofing around. Like we literally just told jokes to each other. Literally just stuff that friends do, the same stuff you and I do." I was definitely 100% NOT flirting but everyone thought I was trainerdelaney Follow “You were laughing at everything TJ did!" "He paper clipped a banana to the ceiling


Text - xenosaurus I think the greatest irony of my life is when the cafeteria at my college changed all the lights to blue bulbs for "autism awareness", which fucked with my sensory issues badly enough that I could barely stand to be in the building xenosaurus I was certainly aware of my autism, at least. 14,721 notes


Text - floozys do you ever eat some disappointing junk food and it's like... i'm clogging my arteries for THIS? a-fashion-killa Things on this site are so oddly specific yet accurate Source: floozys 214,480 notes L


Text - writing-prompt-s You have the power to heal others. You are a villain. magus-of-the-will I am the American healthcare system writing-prompt-s Omg


Text - miss-vicktOre Follow Yo Canada, quick question. Why is your money see through?!? cookie-sheet-toboggan Follow so we can shine a laser pointer through the window and see the value amount projected afar as added protection from forgeries TWENTY VINGT DOLLARS justcyborgthings Yo USA, why the FUCK are we still using fragile scraps of linen like fucking animals when we could have fucking Laser Show Dollars instead? Cana 20 Monmeide? M DEPUTY GOVERNOR SOUS-GOUVERNEUR GOUVRN


Text - narwhalsarefalling some people think i learned braille for Cool Points but i actually learned it bc my medicine holder has the days printed in braille and i forget to take my medication a lot. i didnt feel like turning on a light one night just to see my medication so i learned braille out of spite. now everytime i go anywhere i have to read the braille signs and i have seen "woman" misspelled as "noman" SEVERAL times. narwhalsarefalling Tired Of Waking Up To Take Medication? Learn Braill


Text - krisadilli When I get comfortable with people I start using them as pillows and foot rests themindprobe when i get used as a pillow or foot rest i feel loved ashton-irwin-belongs-to-me I am both of these people Source: krisadilli 599,937 notes A


Text - A slightlyrebelliouswriter23 Follow i was just made aware of the fact that it has only been six days since halloween. SIX. that's not even a week?? surely it's been at least a month... right? RIGHT?? knifewifejude Follow fucking wHAT. #current events #2020 #november #halloween 1,157 notes


Text - just-shower-thoughts There are two kinds of people. Those who think, "I don't want anyone to suffer like I did." And those who think, "I suffered; why shouldn't they?" lazyyogi This is an important distinction. Source: just-shower-thoughts 59,922 no.


Text - Text - sexaulity Follow Is This Actually Funny or Am I Just Sleep Deprived? A novel by me E writeasrayne Follow Chances Are It's Not, But At Least l'm Happy. The sequel. sexaulity Follow ..this was such a wholesome addition..thank u 104,129 notes


Text - Text - heythisisbecky Children are wild Today one of my students threw a stuffed animal across the room and it landed directly in a plate filled with paint And I had it narrowed down to a few kids but no one would confess so I made them all put their toys away and have five minutes of quiet time to Reflect on Their Behavior During that five minutes of relative silence, this group of three year olds INVENTED A NEW CLASSMATE, named him, and unanimously blamed him for throwing the toy across


Text - Text - showerthoughtsofficial When you're a kid, one teacher walking into another teacher's classroom is the biggest crossover event reality has to offer flightyfinch my physics and english teacher hated each other and the physics teacher made a habit of getting grades back to students as quickly as possible and one day he just walked into her classroom and started handing back tests while she was trying to lecture


Text - Text - cardinel Pro tip for writing military characters: Do not give them a badass nickname. Literally every military nickname is either an insult or a reminder of an embarassing incident. For example, my nickname was "Firehose" because I once got really drunk and pissed myself. I'm not ashamed to admit this because everyone I knew with a nickname had a similarily embarassing origin. mlle-uton Mine was "Rat" because I was short (for the army) and ugly.


Text - Text - KRE tilthat Follow TIL that Ancient Roman politician Gaius Gracchus had a bounty placed on his head that was equivalent to his head's weight in gold. The head was delivered, but the reward was never paid because it was discovered that his captor removed Gaius' brain and filled his head with molten lead. via good-opinion-haver Follow For once l'd like one boring fact about ancient Romans fairy-anon-godmother Follow The thing about the ancient Romans is that they went full thr


Text - Text - theappleppielifestyle a guy at school today was wearing this damn fine red nail polish and I heard these two girls whispering angrily and looking in his direction so I listened in expecting them to be weird about it and the first thing I hear is "how the HELL did he get it so good did he get it professionally done or something you need to ask him where he found that colour jesus fucking christ are you KIDDING me" asseroth I think this is a good example of how the world should work.


Text - Text - contentmlm stages of gay courtship: 1. joke flirting 2. real flirting but still pretending it's joke flirting 3. sharing ur childhood trauma 4. hold hands krayonders Follow #5. tell them you are in love with them #6. get sent to turbo hell


Text - Text - TIL our walking speed is affected by whom we're with: men's pace slows down by an average of 7% when walking w/ female partners they're interested in; women walking together move the slowest; & men walking w/ male friends moved at speeds faster than either man's preferred walking speed. via nextvisibledelicious just zoomin around with the lads ed-longshanks scientifically proven hoes just slow u down


Text - Text - aloeveragel I remember in my Arabic class we were going over the alphabet and the teacher was like there's no 'P' etc and this white girl was like wait what but my names Paige and my teacher was like lol then we'd pronounce it as beige and she was so offended l'm crying thinking about it dotted-sixteenth One of my mom's friends, Hugh, went to France and they had a lot of trouble pronouncing his name because the entire thing was silent. sunnyrae20 salut je m'appelle [REDACTED]


Text - Text - a-fragile-sort-of-anarchy I just traded my neighbour a jar of raw honey for his parakeet's corpse. It is also worth noting that the only reason I have so much raw honey is because I made a dress for a beekeeper's daughter. And that I need the parakeet bones to make a necklace for the woman who fixed my antique cello. And that I got the cello as payment for juggling at a child's birthday party. When did my life get this weird? younger-than-the-soul your life is a fucking sidequest

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