Monday, November 9, 2020

Owner's Son Hears the Truth about His Own Ambition

For some reason people get it in their heads that inheriting a business is the exact same thing as taking the huge risks and going the extra mile to start their own business. After getting enough "advice" from his "business owner" friend, this guy came down with some hard truths that internet was ready for. Here are some more cases of wealthy people being wildly out of touch.


Text - r/AmItheAsshole - Posted by u/senoramoncada 1 day ago O8 5 34 84 2 AITA for telling my friend that he is basically an employee of his dad and not a business owner like he says he is? Not the A-hole My friend J comes from a wealthy family as his dad owns several successful businesses. He's not a snob, but recently he's become a bit preachy about how it's better to be an entrepreneur than an employee. We've talked about it several times before. I've been working for a financial company for


Text - told him that I do have plans of having my own business someday, but that requires a large amount of capital and is a huge risk that I'm not yet comfortable taking. He said that I've been an employee for 9 years, so "If not now, when?" and that you can only get the reward if you take the risk. I usually try to brush things off because I know that J has good intentions, he's just a little out of touch with how hard it can be to put up your own business and be successful at it, since his da


Text - I was a bit irked about the last part and told him that hey, there's nothing wrong with being an employee 'forever' and not everyone is cut to or wants to be a business owner. He said yes, there's nothing wrong with being an employee forever, but if you're smart or have any ambition, you would want to have your own business instead of working for someone else your whole life. I told J that if he thinks that being a business owner is the best way to succeed financially, then why hasn't he


Text - cabbage9988 Asshole Aficionado [12] 22.3k points · 1 day ago 2 NTA. Classic case of being born on third base and believing you're a home run hitter


Text - kalkiki Supreme Court Just-ass [108] 5.2k points · 1 day ago NTA You're 100% correct. And your friend sounds insufferable. How is he walking around giving life and career advice for something he has never done???? That's just not how it works


Text - TheBenLuby1 Partassipant [2] 2.9k points · 1 day ago NTA. Your friend is not an entrepreneur, he is riding his father's coat tails and taking credit for something he never did. It's easy to tell someone how to 'succeed' when you never had to. And you were spot on with his father being the real shot caller. Your friend is essentially just a puppet and daddy is pulling the strings.


Text - Kellymargaret Colo-rectal Surgeon [39] 1.1k points · 1 day ago NTA - Your friend is mad because you told him the truth.


Text - Edemamee Partassipant [4] 686 points · 1 day ago NTA. You're correct, he's an employee. Although he might inherit the company later in life, he's not an entrepreneur. Lots of people get rich working for other people, just like owning a business doesn't automatically mean success. He clearly doesn't know much about business based on his comments, so he probably needed to hear it.


Text - Dmd233763 Partassipant [2] 373 points · 1 day ago NTA. That was awesome. Some people need to be brought back down to earth every now and then.


Text - Madmax0412 Partassipant [3] 170 points 1 day ago NTA. He's giving life advice about something he has 0 experience in. Tell him to start his own business, be his own boss, and then advice people based on his actual experience.


Text - shaunanigans25 98 points · 22 hours ago 100% NTA. Your friend needs to hear this and get off his high horse and realize he didn't earn what he has. He also probably doesn't respect the people who work for him, considering his low opinion of employees, so I'm sure he's also not a very good boss, which is a great way to run a business into the ground.

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