Friday, November 20, 2020

Employee Mistakenly Rickrolls Eight Entire Cities

Some days are just destined for the fails that you never forget. Take this poor fellow who ended up accidentally rickrolling eight entire cities. Can't even imagine what must've been going through their head when they realized what they'd done. A definite heart-leaping-out-the-chest moment. 


Text - r/tifu u/CapablePerformance 8h Join 1 1 30 2 17 e 20 3 28 21 1 TIFU by accidentally rickrolling eight cities M I currently work for my local government in their communications department making videos, fliers, social media posts, and pretty much everything else they need. Part of the job involves putting in placeholder text and links since l'll be told "We need a link to this resource but it's not available".


Text - There's an unspoken agreement that if I'm not given an actual link, I will link to random things; sometimes it's a viral video, sometimes it's an anime meme, and sometimes it's music videos to what l'm listening to. This is just for the draft so it doesn't matter and usually just gives me something fun to add on. For the past few months, I've been working on a large campaign of flyers to promote a program to my neighboring area of half a million people and at the time. At the time, I was


Text - Time goes by, the official links are the last to be given to me so I add them in, send everything to my supervisor to approve before going to the printer to have 5,000 copies printed of each variation. My work with the project is done and now it's up to others to start putting them while I move on to the next project; that was two weeks ago. This morning, I get pulled into a zoom meeting with the other department heads and their bosses. They ask me about the link and I tell them I checked


Text - After getting grilled, thinking I was going to get fired, I forwarded the email I sent to my supervisor with the final versions of the graphics and they went to the correct links. The best we can figure out is that since there had been dozens of versions over a few months that someone along the chain of command mixed up an earlier version that included the Rickroll link when placing the order; no one wants to take blame for it. We're currently in the proces of retrieving everything and de


Text - TL;DR: TIFU by an early version of a multi-city promotional fliers got sent to the printers that contained draft links to "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley instead of the correct version and was only discovered after they had already been put up across the area. Edit: Hot damn! Didn't expect my 4am "I need to take a break from my workload" post to take off. Thank you all for the awards and assuring me that my placeholder methods are genius! Front page edit: Since this is making the

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