Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Octopuses Are Clever Brain Lords

This quick and informative collection of Tumblr posts shines some light on the fascinating, slimy, intellectual behemoths that are the octopuses of this world. Basically, you better be ready for some eerie and deeply unsettling trickery if you're going to be a security guard at an aquarium that houses octopuses. And you better make sure that there are no bad shrimp in the batches that you're feeding them. 

Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this thread about customers' mythically powerful coffee orders.


Text - tilthat TIL Marine biologists are claiming there is a rare instance of non-human warfare happening between octopuses in the waters off the coast of Australia. The octopuses are fighting in large groups over territory and even using projectiles such as seashells to spit at enemies. via reddit.com pain-and-missouri Octopi are intense bransrath I prefer octopedes celticpyro “Animals don't go to war because they're cinnamon rolls unlike ebil humans uwu" Check-fucking-mate Linda, cephalopods a


Text - arishok-s They're literally in the shell age copperbadge So...they're shelling each other? mamapluto *takes a long drag on a shitty cigarette* war is shell A mondrag-on Why isn't anyone even bothering to mention the countless wounded soldiers of this cephalopod war? Many come back missing tentacles and eyes! Some even return home with a bad case of...shellshock imperilysm ругорotter You are angry about something. "Clam down," I text you. You assume I have made a typo, but in fact I am hol


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Text - aproposnegro He doesn't wanna be there. broccoli-goblin Relatable satanslover Fun fact: scientists believe the only thing that stops some species of octopi from being classified as sentient is their relative lack of desire to teach other members of their species Source: memescomedy.com 29,841 notes




Text - wittyusernamed My buddy read an article about octopus intelligence. It was feeding time, and the handler dumped some shrimp into an octopus' tank. Then he went into another room and sat at his desk. A while later, a shrimp was tossed onto his desk. The octopus, upon finding one bad shrimp in the lot, had grabbed it, escaped its tank, crossed the hall, and threw the expired shrimp at its caretaker. Not only does this showcase their problem-solving capabilities, but also that it could have


Text - roseweasley7 I went to the aquarium once and we had a tour and we walked past the octopus tank and it was duct taped shut so I asked why and the guy was like. "Well, we had a problem before because these fish were disappearing randomly at night and we had no idea why. Turns out the octopus had memorised the night guards rounds and would creep out of its tank, crawl across the floor to the fish tank, have a little snack and be back in its own tank with the lid shut before the guard came ba


Text - cassandrashipsit I am both delighted and FUCKING TERRIFIED. ze-witch-arteest Once I went to the aquarium where they had a baby pacific red octopus in a tank. I had gone there to work on a few real life sketches, obviously I wanted to do one of an octopus. So I kinda just kneeled in front of the tank, and started sketching. The octopus didn't mind, he sat happily. Then, 5 minutes later, he started moving to the front of the tank, where I was. This tiny octopus faces me directly and starts

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