Thursday, September 3, 2020

Weirdest Encounters Pizza Delivery Drivers Had

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the strangest encounters that pizza delivery drivers have ever had. At the very least these experiences that pizza delivery drivers are subjected to, should serve as a solid reminder to tip those delivery drivers extra. They have to deal with some genuine madness. People will try to pay for those pizzas with just about anything. 


Text - can_we_trust_bermuda • 1y Woman's voice from inside the house: Is he hot? Woman at the door: No 16.0k ...


Text - theNorthernDivide • 1y Years back I delivered to a swanky hotel downtown. As I came up to the room I heard moans of pleasure, but I was exhausted and not having it, so instead of politely calling the guy's phone I just banged on the door. There was some mumbling and then an overweight and VERY sweaty middle aged man answered. After he paid and closed the door I heard the woman yell, "YOU ORDERED PIZZA??! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" 8.3k ...


Text - sexybloodclot • 1y "I LOST A HORSE? Wait wait- I'll call you back." 1.8k ...


Text - BlikjeColaa • ly 1 Award I worked at Domino's in The Netherlands and worked as delivery guy. On a regular work day I delivered a Margaretha pizza to an eldery women in a wheelchair, she lived in a house for elderly. She invited me to come in because she couldn't eat the pizza in slices, she asked me to cut the pizza in little pieces, and so I did. I stayed for a little while because she told me she hadn't had a pizza for years, it was her husbands favorite fast food. he died a couple mont


Text - IssaDatBoiMura • 1y Wanted to spend Halloween of 2016 with my brother and his kids cause I haven't started a family yet, boss decided to say "come in and help or you're fired." Needed the job at the time so l go in grumpy as hell. Deliver about 4 pizzas to this older gentleman's house and he asks me how my Halloween is going. I'm honest with him and he takes me into this big ass room. Tells me he's an architect and shows me some schematics he's drawing up for a new home for a client. Real


Text - Uncle_elmer • 1y Order up. I grab the pizza and the slip with the address and phone number information, only to realize it was the address of the pizza place l'm working from. Free pizza for us but the guy who took the order never lived it down. 1.9k ...


Text - BadonkaDonkies • 1y "wow he's really cute!" as a group of 3 cute college aged girls opened the door... I was around the same age as them so made me feel fantastic as low self esteem was a big issue for me back then.. They only tipped me the remainder of $20, from a total $19.48, and looking back on it did they expect me to hear their comment and not tip me?!?!... But at the time I had so much more pep in my step, atleast for the remainder of the day haha 388 ...


Text - BHBachman• 1y Man I have a couple, but this is probably the weirdest. I delivered for Giordano's, if you're from the Chicagoland area, you know they're famous for their deep dish. There was an order for one small cheese deep dish pizza, and when I rolled up on the house I noticed that there was only one light on in the whole house, presumably the living room. I rang the doorbell and waited for what felt like a solid minute in the freezing cold. The dude who answered the door looked EXACTL


Text - Axxalon • 1y I was a kid, delivering something from my mother to my neighbor. It escapes me what it was that time. But that's not important. An African Grey Parrot answered the door. The front door had been open, and there was a closed screen door. Moments after I rang the doorbell, the parrot flapped clumsily down the stairs, landed on the floor in front of me, and said in a gruff voice: "hello." 4.2k ...


Text - chromepho3nix • 1y Perfume Lady! I delivered for Dominos in 94 in Cape Girardeau, MO. Once a month caller ID would show up with perfume lady. (She was saved in the computer that way.) The rules were simple. Deliver pizza to trailer. Place pizza on doorstep. Pick up envelope left on porch for pizza. Knock on door. Walk to car. Do not look back. Do not look in envelope. Do not wait to see what perfume lady looks like. When we got to the store, the cash for the pizza was there and a $100.00


Text - atsinged • 3y Long time ago for me, but we had a huge delivery area and several entire apartment complexes blacklisted because they were hideously unsafe for anyone thought to be carrying money. There were also a couple where we would deliver to the front gate only, not go in to the complex itself. Greenspoint area, north side of Houston in the early 90s for those aware of the area.


Text - EnglishMajorRegret • 3y 2 Awards There was an older man who suffered from dementia that would order four fountain drinks and nothing else from my shop, then would tip about $300 every time. After hearing about it a couple times, I told my manager, and we all agreed to get in contact with his family, let them know we wouldn't take orders from him, and that they'd have to take some measures to keep him from doing the same with other establishments. God only knows how much money that guy gav


Text - [deleted] • 3y I worked at a Little Caesars when I was a teenager. On a really snowy night one of our drivers got into a car accident and sadly lost his life on his way to deliver the pizza. The customer called in a little while after we learned about the accident and absolutely lost his shit that his pizza hadn't been delivered. When the manager explained the situation, he stated he did not give a fuck and wanted his pizza delivered for free. Needless to say, he got an earful from my man


Text - bend1310 • 3y We had a guy and two girls order seperately, then grab the pizzas and run. The girls had picked the food up and left, while the guy was paying. After 30 seconds the guy bolted. It was a $100 order. My manager, who is a frequent gym goer, leapt the counter and gave chase. The two girls had gotten into a car with the food, but when the saw my manager they drove off leaving the guy.


Text - My manager chased him three blocks, and was gaining on the guy when the girls pulled up and the guy got into the car. Unfortunately, all three of them went to school with a kitchen hand at the store, so we had names, jobs, addresses, and facebook accounts. We contacted them all on facebook, and got them to pay for the pizzas the next morning under threat of contacting police. We also put them on the no delivery list.


Text - myheadfire • 3y When I worked at a pizza place, we just had one person that we wouldn't deliver to because he would always refuse to pay and hassle the delivery guy, saying the pizza was cold, took too long, wasn't the right order, whatever. He probably got a couple free pizzas at least before we stopped bothering sending him anymore.

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