Sunday, September 20, 2020

VP Pulls Rank and Screws Employee, Gets Canned by Cool CEO

It seems like a rare moment when a higher up at the company doesn't get rewarded for going over the little guy's head and absolutely messing everything up. For pretty much the opposite side of things, here's a satisfying story of an incompetent boss who fired the employee ant the beginning of a meeting, then learned a lesson.


Text - Posted by u/PJExpat 5 hours ago "No one is above the rules, and I mean no one call me if he pulls rank" oc L I used to work for a marketing company that serviced small and medium-sized businesses across America. It was a multi-billion dollar revenue company. The CEO was a true rags to riches story. He joined the company right after he got out of jail in his early 20s for a small drug charge and worked his way up over 20 years to eventually become the CEO of the company. The CEO strongly b


Text - He would often say, without sales we don't have the revenue to pay your salaries Without customer service customers will drop us faster then we can bill them Without collection reps we'd lose too many accounts due to non-payment And without sales managers to hold it all together we'd fall аpart And he had a rule EVERY SINGLE EXECUTIVE team member would spend 1 full week of each quarter in the field with a Sales Manager, Customer Service Rep, Collections Rep, or Sales rep. In addition when


Text - This rule applied to EVERYONE to include the CEO. I know this, cause the CEO personally road along with me for 5 days in the field. He was a legit cool guy (I got a story at the end about this) So...apparently we had hired a new VP Of Marketing from a major brand that I'm sure everyone in this sub would know of. Anyway apparently the first time he went in the field the VP Of Marketing pulled rank on a sales manager and the sales manager reported this directly to the CEO. A new quarter wen


Text - Text - CEO: PJ I picked you cause when I was in the field with you, you seemed like the kinda guy that wouldn't be bullied or let someone run all over you Me: Ok, well thank you CEO: This VP is new to the company, and the last time he went in the field he pulled rank. I've told him not to pull rank again, and if he does I want you to call me as soon as you can. PJ: I understand CEO: Thank you The VP meets me up, honestly for the first two days everything was fine. However on the 3rd day I


Text - Text - Now I told the VP what would happen, that it would be a long sales call, and a difficult high tense one. But to let me handle it, I've dealt with the client quite a bit and was well prepared. Now this meeting with the client lasted 2 1/2 hours but I'll get to the point. The client wanted a discount and was threatening to go to our competitor, he wouldn't. That's when the VP spoke up and said "I'm the VP and I'll personally give you a 15% discount on your current plan if you agree t


Text - Text - I then called my CEO, he saw the name pop up on my cars bluetooth CEO answered CEO: PJ, how are you doing? PJ: The VP pulled rank on me and gave my customer a 17.5% discount on his current plan right as I was about to close him for more money CEO: That's not right, where is the VP? PJ: Your on speaker, he can hear you CEO: Excellent, hey VP VP: Yes sir CEO: Tell me what happend VP: Told his side of the story, which he admitted the truth but also admitted to pulling rank and giving


Text - Text - CEO: Ok, thanks for your honesty. Your fired. VP: Excuse me? CEO: Your fired, you have a 1 yr probation clause your done you don't pull rank when in the field VP: You can't do this CEO: I just did, you are to get on a plane come back to your office and clean it out, PJ take Mr. VP back to his hotel and drop him off. PJ: Sure, no problem And for the next 20 minutes I had an awkward car ride back to my former VPs hotel. Later in a all hands on meeting, the CEO made sure to talk about


Text - Side Story on this CEO The company had a data plan, which gave us 4G on our Ipads, Phones, and Laptops. Well the company changed the service plan, and our data plan went down to ONLY our phones and we had to hotspot off that. They said this move would save us $80,000 a month (we had like 4,000~ employees in the field) Well 2 months later we had a conference (we had 3 conferences a year) and after the conference, everyone went to the hotel bar. That's when I approached my CEO with another


Text - The CIO was there and said "CIO, your going to XYZ area and you will be riding with PJ, pay attention to how he uses his 4G data and if you think we should go back to the old plan where all devices had 4G" The CIO went into the field with me, on the 3rd day at breakfast he said "Last night I called the CEO" and I said "yea?" and he said "I made a recommendation that we go back to our old data plan and ensure all your devices have 4G data, its obviously creating productivity issues and whe

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Tagged: boss , wtf , fired , work , ceo , amazing , story , company , win

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