Monday, September 14, 2020

Quick Tumblr Post On Common American Sayings

Every now and again the brilliant minds of Tumblr actually nail it. In this case, we have a quick and hilariously accurate post about common American sayings, and the actual meanings of those sayings. There's a whole lot more chaos bubbling under the surface of an "it goes" than some folks might realize. 


Text - gerrycanavan When Americans say... It means... Awesome Good Fabulous Good Amazing Good Great Fine Fine Bad OK Bad Not so great Really bad Driving me completely nuts Challenging Hilarious Unexpected Probably For sure Forever 30 minutes Let's get coffee sometime Let's stay in touch My friend My best friend Goodbye; I like you Goodbye; I don't like you that much A person I know A person I know and also like I'm afraid of Americans


Text - lindsayribar This is super real. justgot1 Completely accurate. next-time-you-invite-pam @pre-successful America exposed.


Text - themightyglamazon It's hilarious watching non-Americans react to this with fear because I read it just nodding along like "yes, in fact this is How Things Are, there you go" sexycraisinthanos If you ask an American how they are and they respond “Super." that means they want to die


Text - themightyglamazon ACCURATE one-for-all-plus-ultra If they say they're peachy it means they're tired of existence drneverland If they say "Living the dream," it means "please kill me, I hate my job so, so much."


Text - accordingtomyresearch also “that's a great question" means "I have no freaking idea" aampharros if asked “how are things going?" and they reply “its going" it means theyre in the middle of a mental breakdown thethp this is all accurate and i hate it Source:

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