Monday, September 21, 2020

Lawyers' Biggest Revelations In Court

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about lawyers' biggest surprises when in court. You just never know what kinds of skeletons people might be hiding in their closets. 


Text - epgenius • 8h I had a client who claimed she was discriminated against by her employer due to disabilities she sustained after a car crash. She said her disabilities were so bad she couldn't drive or sit at her desk for any amount of time, and her company refused to accommodate her by letting her work remotely. Needless to say, it was embarrassing when opposing counsel told me my client played in a full contact lingerie football league and had telecast videos of her on Youtube playing, ru


Text - Lintlickker • 12h 1 Award Recently had a client's fact witness (an employee of the client) reveal at his deposition that he had signed an agreement which pays him a substantial bonus if the client wins the lawsuit. Our jaws dropped. How can you possibly give believable factual testimony at trial if you stand to earn a windfall if one side prevails? Ugh. Reply 1 5.3k ...


Text - Panama_Scoot • 19h 1 Award I had one client that failed to tell me about a DUI... his third or fourth. I found out when he was on the stand... It was uncomfortable to say the least. Reply 3.8k ...


Text - KenComesInABox • 15h I worked for [insert major airline] and found out through a mind-numbing contract review that they were double dipping: they had entered into an exclusivity agreement with one [insert major airline repair provider] and, without telling me that had asked me to engage in a separate exclusivity agreement with another provider so they could get a second, $25mm rebate. They intentionally had 2 separate attorneys o each transaction so we wouldn't know about the double dippi


Text - cat9tail • 11h 3 2 Awards Obligatory not a lawyer, but I watched this unfold as the foreperson of a jury. Defendant decided to be his own lawyer; accused of pulling over and switching drivers in a car while being pursued by police for driving without a license while on probation for DUI (officer pursuing was the same officer who arrested him for the original DUI). Playing Perry Mason, defendant put his buddy on the stand and asked point blank, "Who was driving the car that day?" Buddy rep


Text - Mazon_Del • 6h A lawyer I know is eternally plagued with the issue that his clients will frequently tell him the answers to direct questions, but they won't necessarily provide ALL the information WITHOUT a direct question. Effectively...they skimped on some work somewhere for a client, and so far in the current lawsuit that particular cut corner hasn't come up from the other side. So they figure if they don't tell their own lawyer about it, then he can't accidentally give away that they


Text - kingofthenorthwpg • 11h 3 9 A 4 Awards Friend and classmate of mine was parked downtown, which is not a great neighbourhood. Someone comes up to her window to carjack her. She slowly rolls down her window, and in her most disappointed voice is like "Come on X, I just got you out on bail"... X then proceeds to apologize and walks away. Reply 1.0k ...


Text - Aelaer • 17h I was representing a guy, the senior partner had told me to handle the case. Client told me an old lady he had befriended had lent him some money. Concerned about an upcoming surgery, she had told him that if anything happened to her (in other words, if she passed away), he must consider the money a gift. Her signature was on a document to this effect, dated about a week before the surgery. Her estate was suing to get the money back. He said nuh uh it was a gift. I subpoenaed

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