Thursday, September 10, 2020

Incompetent Boss Fires Employee At Beginning Of Meeting, Learns Lesson

It doesn't behoove a boss to not know what their employees do, and this boss set himself up for a world of pain in the form pointed and effective malicious compliance. It should be simple enough to understand that it's hard to get someone to do anything when they're effectively not working for you.


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Text - Now, my boss kindly provided me a Pentium 4 dual core computer that he found at the bargain warehouse for about $40. I had the most sophisticated work station in the business, for context. This wasn't quite enough for database management and analytical software to boot up - more or less process a dataset, so I called up our IT guy. Who worked for the boss's friend's sister-in-law's business. 200 miles away. I go, "Hey Tim! I need to add my personal laptop to the company network. Can you m


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Text - Knowing that, I backed up everything to my personal account - but of course did not delete anything from the company owned one. Like I said, the State has a vested interest in these processes, and I knew in my heart-of-hearts that the company couldn't be trusted to maintain records. I didn't want to be on the hook for that in 6 years, so I kept a copy. I figured it would go smoothly. I'm called to the big office for a meeting. There's too many suits, my supervisor gives me so


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Text - Edit / Update: I got a call. They seem to have decided that the daughter/comptroller would be the best point of contact, which is fine with me. We got along fine, she has a nice kid that used to run around the office. It seems like the bulk of the issue is the information that they can't find. That's roughly zero work. But since they can't find that information at all, auditors are nitpicking very fine details that my replacements have bungled up. From the way she told it, it sounds like


Text - "You don't understand, we only have until the end of the month. This needs started on today." I work fast, and it sounds like you should hire someone who knows how to write contracts fast, too. "Whatever. If you don't fix this you're.... you know what, nevermind. I'll email you something in the morning." Sounds like a plan, good night. 1 1 2 12 1 10 5 8 11 11 12 1 2 CO


Text - HeadBonk Score hidden · 20 hours ago Why would you fire someone before getting what you need from them beforehand. You wouldn't tell a restaurant you want to dine and dash before the meal and expect to be fed... exie610, Score hidden · 20 hours ago You don't understand. See, Boss is a millionaire, and nobody tells John Wayne what to do and expects to live. How dare you question Boss. He's been in the business longer than you've been alive, Kiddo.

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