Thursday, September 10, 2020

Choosing Beggar Doesn't Grasp Meaning Of Deposit

Ah, man, you can't make these choosing beggar cases up. This particularly clueless choosing beggar goes for the double back on a deposit that they'd already agreed to pay. They refuse to accept the reality staring back right in front of them. That can make for tough negotiations. Check out some more entitled people and their demanding boldness over here.


Text - Hey I need to cancel today I'm not feeling well, thanks I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you for letting me know. We can reschedule at a different time. Thanks u can just send my deposit back through PayPal or Venmo com


Text - Unfortunately, I wasn't given enough notice so the deposit isn't going to be refundable. Hopefully we can reschedule for another time. Feel better! Soooo Ur going to just keep the money Without providing a service What a fucking scam


Text - I think your definition of "deposit" is a little skewed. A deposit covers your appointment in the event that you cancel unexpectedly. I'm not "charging" you.. You made the appointment 100% aware that it wasn't refundable if I didn't have enough notice. gave u notice I could've just not showed


Text - And I appreciate that but unfortunately it wasn't within the 24 hours that I needed the notice. I could've filled that spot if l'd had notice. That's why there is a deposit. I don't think u know what a deposit is or how to run a business A deposit just secures ur spot 2 I went to business school Maybe u should I did


Text - I sat behind you You don't remember? What? When? Well, this has to be so embarrassing for you. You copied my homework that one time because you said you couldn't get it done... because you weren't feeling well.


Text - U must have me mistaken with someone because I didn't have any classes with u You probably don't remember because you were absent a lot... because you weren't feeling well. No I wasn't. U don't know me like that


Text - Just send me the deposit back and we are good I feel like you owe me anyway. I let you borrow lunch money like 25 times in business school. Call it even? U DID NOT FUCKING GO TO MY SCHOOL But u need to go back because u are clearly unprofessional and immature


Text - That's what our instructor told me. Remember? It was the day we went over what a deposit was. Nevermind, you weren't there that day. Because you weren't feeling well. Something is seriously wrong with u. Wholeheartedly agree.


Text - Nevermind, you weren't there that day. Because you weren't feeling well. Something is seriously wrong with u. Wholeheartedly agree. U are taking people's money. U are a scam artist. I will report u to the business Buereu The what?


Text - U should know if u went to "business school" 5 Hope u lose ur license have a WONDERFUL day! Also my uncle is a cop so I will be letting him know I know. I know him personally. We went to Cop School together. Don't text me again

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