Thursday, August 20, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Sleep And A Snack Cures All

This quick and entertaining Tumblr post shines some light on the widely accepted truth that a quick snooze and a snack can calm the fieriest of tempers. Seriously though, once the post-nap disorientation wears off, the mind will often feel so much better. At the very least, it's worth a shot. 


Text - Joy Clarkson @joynessthebrave This is your gentle reminder that one time in the Bible Elijah was like "God, I'm so mad! I want to die!" so God said "Here's some food. Why don't you have a nap?" So Elijah slept, ate, & decided things weren't so bad. Never underestimate the spiritual power of a nap & a snack. 9:02 AM - 2/28/19 Twitter Web Client


Text - saanx I could be wrong but what's interesting to me personally is that Elijah wasnt just mad, he was scared for his life cuz there was a queen who wanted him dead so Elijah ran and told God he wanted to die because he was in such anguish But God is so good and He always knows what we need! archer-bro Notice too that he didn't even give Elijah some encouraging words to comfort him. He just told him to eat. Sometimes just being there and making sure someone gets through their anguish is eno


Text - goatyellsateverything And God said, "Have a Snickers." xphilosoraptorx SNICKERS


Cartoon - And Elijah inquired of the Lord, asking "Why?" and the Lord replied, "Because thou doth lament greatly when thou art hungry". SNICKERS


Text - Thus Elijah took and he ate of the confection, finding it to be exceedingly satisfying. The Lord then asked, "Art thou better?", and Elijah replied, "Indeed Lord, I am better". Then the Lord further advised Elijah, saying unto him, "Thou art not thineself when thou art hungry". sighinastorm quality religious jokes, people my-pet-spider-oml reblogging for the snickers 52,537 notes

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