Monday, August 3, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Darth Vader is the Queen of Drama

Vader will do anything for drama. He'll turn off his own life support, stand on top of a god damn tie fighter, and make double puns while choking an employee. These Tumblr users are pretty sure there's nothing he won't do for the sake of drama. For another interesting Star Wars thread, here's an informative and funny Tumblr thread on exactly what Han Solo was smuggling.


Text - officialbridgetroll I honestly never thought anyone could outdo Anakin-'you-underestimate-my- powers'-does-a-triple-backflip-and-gets-all-his-limbs-cut-off-Skywalker in being ExtraTM but creating a bucket of your enemies ashes to angrily slam your completely unnecessary helmet into in front of prisoner company just for the villain aesthetic comes pretty damn close giaffa I'm sorry but nothing will compare to Darth-i-have-to-make-the-most-extra- supervillain-entrance-standing-on-a-tie-figh


Text - erisdarfanfic "Be careful not to choke on your aspirations." THAT THERE IS NOT ONLY A DAD JOKE AND A PUN BUT A DOUBLE PUN Obviously there's the obvious first pun but then you realise "aspirations" not only mean dreams and ambition but also medically means things you are not supposed to inhale but do So Vader is subtly ne it's reallyAet it's so extra saying, "Be careful not to choke on your own saliva" ANAKIN SKYWALKER, THE DOUBLE-PUN DRAMA QUEEN


Text - sohaliatalitha okay but Vader literally turned off the lights on his chest panel to make an impression on the Rebels. That whole emerging from the darkness by the light of his saber thing? That was intentional dramatic effect. What a drama king. Leia got away because he wasted 30 seconds scaring the crap outta those poor rebel mooks. lunacyandlovliness And since they're indicators, he would have had to turn his life support off. So he nearly died for drama. fuckyeahdiomedes Vader lives on


Text - drthcaedus favourite Extra™ things darth vader has done, ranked - killed a guy, then gave his job to the guy right next to him did a triple front-flip over a stream of lava, only to get most of his limbs cut off - took on an entire army of rebels by himself, and when told he was surrounded, said "all i'm surrounded by is fear and dead men". talk about edgy - announced he was luke's father, barely seconds after amputating his hand, then was disappointed that luke wanted nothing to do with

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