Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Pettiest Things Women Did After Breakups

Never underestimate the petty lengths that a bitter and freshly heartbroken human being might go to after a breakup. In the heat of the moment many folks can become overwhelmed by the desire to enact some kind of revenge that makes their ex suffer. Some of these situations seem like they were entirely deserved, based off of what we heard. Some people can be absolutely awful. 


Text - Gingerrevamp • 1y I took everything but a spoon and a can of beans. 578 ...


Text - alelizeth • 1y He always spoke about how he hated his dad for cheating & lying to his mom, so when I find out he cheated on me with multiple women I went to his apartment and found a photo of us on his bedside table & wrote "Just like your daddy" on it. I also took all his toilet paper & hand soap because even though he was the 25 year old man with a job & I was a 19 year old college student he apparently couldn't buy his own shit & I had to buy it for him. So technically it was mine. 3.7


Text - MultinucleateClub • 1y I waited until fifteen minutes before the new season of game of thrones started to change the password on my hbo account that I knew he was still using. 16.6k ...


Text - ButterflyApathetic • 1y I sill use my exes phone number for his Walgreens card. He's so stingy I know he'll never redeem any of his points so I randomly get $5/$10 off at Walgreens. 2.2k ...


Text - Tepikhan • 1y S 2 Awards In 2010, I found out my fiancĂ© had been having an affair with our neighbor (for the past six months), 2 weeks before our wedding. His best man broke down and told me. For 8 years, I have been giving creepy dudes my ex's phone number instead of mine. His sister always texts me his new phone number when he changes it. She also sends photos and video of him losing his mind angry when he gets a call from a dude looking for a hookup. His sister is the real MVP here, th


Text - gasoline_rainbow • 1y I hope I'm not too late to this, but I loosened the seams in all his pants and shorts so that as soon as he sat they'd rip open on him. It's been 10 years and that still makes me laugh 4.9k ...


Text - [deleted] • 1y The Ex cheated on me after 12 years with someone he met at work. When that went sour he lost his job and ended up falling behind on his car payment. The repo company had my place as his last known address, so when they showed up here looking for the car I invited them in, used Facebook to get them as much info on The Ex and New Girlfriend as possible, gave them his parent's address and sent them on their way with a smile. 5.0k ...


Text - emmett_crab • 1y 1 Award He repeatedly cheated on me with multiple women so I had my pregnant roommate piss on a test and then just dropped it at his front door. No note, no way to know who it came from. The panic was real. 3.7k ...


Text - casblast • 1y I spent our year together wearing flats because he was self conscious that he was slightly shorter than me. When we broke up, I bought the tallest, sexiest heels I could find and wore them to a mutual friend's party. The look on his face when I arrived towering over him was priceless. 899 ...


Text - growlergirl • 1y• ? I broke up with him after being treated badly for too long. He kept sending me vicious emails when I wouldn't answer his calls. I responded describing a fake new boyfriend who goes down on me at least 20 mins at a time, in Comic Sans font. He was a graphic designer and would rant about how bad that font is on occasion. He knew it was intentional. 925 ...


Text - Alpha_uterus • 1y Story from a friend without Reddit: She cheated on him. She very much wanted the sofa set but he got it in the divorce. He knew which 2nd hand furniture shop she had been looking in, so sold it to them knowing she would buy it. But not before filling the Italian leather sofa cushions with catnip. The chap she left him for has 3 cats. 251 ...


Text - MapleSugary • 1y • ? I gave a stuffed bear he had given me to my dog to use as a chew toy. 253 ...


Text - MFDONG • 1y My ex was super into the drift scene and loved cool cars but he was always super broke. He broke up with me on Christmas Day by gifting me a pair of socks and telling me it wasn't working out after I had bought him a ton of nice Christmas gifts. The next week I took all my hard earned money I was saving up to by myself a new car and bought the exact one he talked about constantly but was too broke to buy himself. Made sure he saw it by driving through the parking garage he was


Text - jpguitfiddler • 1y A long time ago my ex cheated on me with a friend. So I went on Craigslist and put an ad up for cheap tickets to 98 degrees, who were coming to town. I put my ex's phone number on it and asked for people to call from 10pm on, because I "worked 3rd shit" I've grown up a but since then, but I still think it's funny. 1.2k ...


Text - brrgitte • 1y I dated a guy 13 years older than me. (We didn't realize the age gap was so big at first). He was possessive and obsessed with being healthy. Into anything natural or alternative. A bro of alternative health, if you will. For his 40th birthday, I gave him an expensive spa aromatherapy and acupuncture package. We broke up the day after he turned 40, when he pulled some last straw jealousy bs. Two weeks later, I cashed in on the package and had a nice spa day to myself. 314 ..


Text - Saltwaterblood • 1y Donated everything he left at my apartment to Goodwill. And no, I didn't ask for receipts. ... To be fair, he was threatening to sue me over a tiny box TV and a basic knife set (he didn't like that I wasn't under his control anymore). Not my fault he also left his entire winter wardrobe at my flat. When the first freeze of the year came, I giggled through the day. 101


Text - Annies231 • 1y My husband of 24 years was cheating on me. I figured it out about 2 months after it really started, but he kept the identity of the other woman a secret. A few weeks before our divorce, I decided I needed to know why it was such a mystery so I did some investigating. Turns out it was a co-worker who was also married.... so I went to their house and knocked on the door and told her husband. My ex had the nerve to call me and accuse me of ruining peoples lives. #teampetty 2.4


Text - guitargirlmolly · 1y I sent my ex a glitter bomb anonymously a few months ago >:} Felt real good. It was an awful, awful breakup and I never want to speak to him again. This way, I didn't have to, and I still got to mildly inconvenience him! 128


Text - baristamathematician • 1y My then bf of 4 years was cheating on me with a girl via Snapchat. He swore they were just friends. So when we broke up I logged on to his Snapchat and changed my name to her username. I then proceeded to message him as if I was her. Not my finest moment but I had to know the truth! 203 ...


Text - shannadean • 1y I let my ex keep our cat we got together (after he begged me) only to have him call me a month later saying he didn't want the cat anymore. When I went to get the cat from our old house, I found that my ex hadn't cleaned the cat litter since before I moved out! I was mostly mad for the kittens sake. Honestly I doubt my ex took care of him at all. A fight broke out after he refused to clean the litter up so I ended up dumping the whole litter box right on his living room fl


Text - hidemythundr • 1y • ? I ran a magnet over my ex's harddrive in 2005 to corrupt the data. This was before cloud storage, when a harddrive full of media was arguably the most valuable thing a teenager could have. I told him about it recently (we're still friends) and he found it funny (at the time he would have not taken it so well) 492


Text - iblametheowl • 1y I went to a Panera bread after hours and acquired 3 trash bags of bagels and threw them at his house. 906 ...

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