Sunday, July 5, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Wholesome Mother's Parenting Strategy For ADHD

This quick and informative Tumblr thread shares some strategies adopted by a wholesome mother for raising her kids with ADHD. Stepping outside to chop some wood does sound like a great way to blow off some steam, and recenter oneself if that brain starts racing around. If you're looking for more fun stuff from Tumblr, check out this gallery of Brits and Americans repeatedly clashing on Tumblr.


Text - good-ho-mens S good-ho-mens Was just informed by my mom that I do in fact have ADHD and the reason I thought I didn't | was because ever since I was seven whenever I got super energetic my mom would have me go chop wood so now when l'm feeling The ADHD I go chop wood and I thought it was just some sort of routine I started when I was little and wanted to blow off steam


Text - good-ho-mens Follow l'd also like to point out that my sister has a really hard time staying present (I can't remember the term because we’ve always called it Tethered at my house) and whenever she's feeling Untethered my mom has her knead bread and make syrup because they're repetitive and easy things to do that ground her


Text - good-ho-mens Follow Now that l'm thinking about it- my brother has days where he doesn't talk and doesn't eat unless he's prompted, and on those days my mom sits him down in the fish pond in the backyard and plays Mozart and because he's so used to that being his wake up he always comes back in after like an hour rambling about random things


Text - good-ho-mens Follow Oh yeah and when it rains my mom has a required hour where we all have to go outside and run around and whoever finds the most worms for the garden wins and then we go inside and my mom makes us tea and we watch Studio Ghibli movies


Text - good-ho-mens Follow Wait!!! When one of us has a bad day at school we make a fire in the backyard and roast homemade sausages and my mom tells us stories until we laugh and then she tucks is in bed like we're five again and sings us songs


Text - good-ho-mens Uh.... wait guys is my mom a witch raising a bunch of fae kids hold on- Source: good-ho-mens #MY GRABDPA THINKS IM A CHANGELING??? #MY BROTHER HAS A CHARM HES BEEN WEARING SINCE HE WAS BORN #MY... See all 40,316 notes

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