Sunday, July 5, 2020

Entitled Coworker Demands Party, Takes All The Leftovers

This person asked if they were in the wrong for throwing a fit for not getting a party to go along with their promotion, and then took their coworker's Tupperware for good measure. Sometimes people don't get it, like this entitled girlfriend who expected her boyfriend to pay off her loans, or these entitled people with their ludicrous demands.


Text - Posted by u/throwawayplatter 21 hours ago AITA because I took all the leftover homes after a work party? Asshole I've worked at this company for 3 years. my 3 year anniversary landed on the same day of my SO proposing and to top it off I'm getting promoted. I was expect at least something from my coworkers. like small party, gift, nothing fancy. I was pretty hurt when I came in that week to find nothing. there were congrats and well dones but nothing else.


Text - I poured my eyes out later to my SO later and expressed how uncared about I felt. he contacted one of my coworkers, soon to be employee, and she went to my manager and set something up. they had a little buffet in the break room. just the common stuff: veggie platter, dips, chips and sweets like cookies, tarts and brownie, some banners. at the end of the day I took the leftover home with me on the plates/tupperware they came in on. the coworker (again, my soon to be employee) text me that


Text - apparently she wanted to keep those in the break room for those unable to attend the party could still eat and nowhere did she say this was all for me. she also needed the platter plate back because she was making a birthday cake for her niece. my SO and I both agreed it was wrong for her to text me like that and seeing as it was my party, if I wanted the leftovers, I deserve them. but he thinks I should just apologize to keep the peace. If I'm not wrong I don't see the point. UPDATE:; St


Text - Karllobo Asshole Aficionado [12] 11.7k points · 1 day ago · edited 22 hours ago YTA You don't deserve anything. No wonder no one organised anything for you at first. You sound incredibly entitled


Text - Cambridge_Comma Partassipant [3] 5.2k points · 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago & YTA - I'm sorry whaaaat? You had your fiance call your coworkers to demand a party be thrown for you? How did you even get promoted when you clearly have no idea what workplace boundaries are? To address you question about the food (though it's less of an issue): ask around before taking food and if you do, put it in a different container. How can you possibly think it's okay to take this woman's property and th


Text - RoachesInMyBlister 3.9k points · 21 hours ago · edited 16 hours ago Lmao. You deserve the leftovers? And why do you expect anything material? A congrats should be enough in my opinion. So yes YTA. And anentitled one I must say.


Text - Bug_a_boo_Mama Partassipant [4] 2.4k points . 21 hours ago YTA. You were not entitled to the left overs for gods sake you cried and FORCED them to throw you a party. Plus you took their tupperware, give it back it wasnt yours


Text - lydia_rayne Partassipant [1] 1.8k points · 1 day ago YTA. You are not entitled to a party. The fact that you cried to your fiancĂ© about not getting a party and then having him basically TELL your coworkers to throw one is actually ridiculous. You should be embarrassed about acting like that. Also, you should've asked before taking someone's food home. It's common courtesy to keep sweets and small things for the people who couldn't attend. I get that in your eyes you accomplished a lot but


Text - skysmurf Partassipant [2] 1.4k points · 1 day ago YTA how old are you? Your coworkers( or soon to be employees as you put it)do not owe you a party because you worked at a company for 3 years, or the fact you got promoted or the fact you got engaged period. It's something that coworkers do if the feel like it and not because they feel obligated to. The fact that none of them wanted to until you cried to your boyfriend speaks volumes of how they feel about you on a interpersonal level you


Text - PokketMowse 860 points · 23 hours ago · edited 23 hours ago YTA. Jesus christ, I worked with another version of you and nobody could ever understand why you'd get so weird about the leftovers from catered lunches and parties. It wasn't your party. It was an OFFICE party. For the office, not for you. You're gonna be a gossip source. You're -that dude- at the office now.

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