Thursday, July 23, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Life Hacks To Adult Effectively

This informative Tumblr thread aims to provide various tips on adulting effectively. Some of us are prone to feeling like we're free falling through the world of adulting, and could really use some kind of instruction manual to navigate the hurdles successfully. This Tumblr thread certainly touches on some crucial points. 


Text - dus kirises cinnacorn super-spocko: kiokushitaka: shrineart: caitatonic: sunflower-b-pondicus: flutterjedi: mixedy: my parents aren't teaching me life lessons. #i need some adults to TEACH ME SHIT ABOUT LIFE I'm an adult.


Text - Some shit about life, from a bonafide adult: • even if you get along great with your family you will get along even better with them after moving out • generic is almost always just as good as name brand. But there are some things you never buy generic, including: peanut butter, ketchup, liquid NyQuil, Chips- Ahoy chewy chocolate chip cookies • just imagine the person on the other end of the phone hates talking on the phone as much as you do. Even a receptionist. I worked as one and I hat


Text - at least once in your life you will go to Wal-mart to buy something under $20 like an ironing board or something and your debit card will get rejected. No one will judge. Everyone at some point in their lives has had $2.98 in their bank account. thrift stores • everyone else is too busy panicking about everyone else noticing every tiny thing that could possibly be wrong about them to notice any tiny thing that could possibly be wrong about you you will screw up. a lot. you live and you le


Text - • if you are the only one in the aisle at the grocery store, and you need to get from one end to the other without even looking at anything in that aisle, then you should totally cart-surf down the aisle. Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional. Hold on to the little things. They make all the difference. • never try to make cake from scratch at 3am. You end up with a topographical map of Middle Earth. • 15% tip. • the best way to get money for food is to tell your grandparents ab


Product - Do not buy generic brand spaghetti sauce either. Always check the type of light bulb that goes in lamps. A 60w is not interchangeable with a 40w. Dollar store batteries work just as well as store brand. Reward yourself from time to time when you do things that you needed to get done. It's a good way to remind yourself to do them. Going out to pay a bill? Get Starbucks or something you don't get often. Rewards don't have to be huge, they can be small things like that.


Text - Rice, pasta, flour, sugar, cheese, eggs, milk, a pack of chicken, a pack of frozen veggies and a well stocked spice cabinet go a long way food-wise. Splurge and get the biggest container of rice you can. You don't have to go back and buy it again anytime soon and it makes a TON of meals in the meantime. • Rice can be cooked on the stove. You don't need a fancy rice cooker. Two parts water to every one part rice (two cups water for one cup of rice for example). Get your water boiling, add


Wash or rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. It prevents gross caked on junk. "The Works" is an excellent cheap toilet cleaner. • MAGIC. FUCKING. ERASERS. THEY WORK ON EVERYTHING JUST DON'T SCRUB HARD. I took the ring out of our bathtub with one. Also generic ones work just as well. 2 Tean MAGIC ERASER Original Keep some bleach around but if you use it for cleaning? Dillute it. There's rarely ever a case where you need to pout straight bleach on anything. A cap full or two in


Text - • DO NOT MIX CLEANERS. Chemical reactions are can be very dangerous. Here's a good list. (Note that vinegar and baking soda can actually be a good combo for removing smells from things but it's not very good at actually -cleaning-.) • If you drink? Don't take meds at the same time it's just not good. • Make sure you check the dosages on your pill bottles. No one wants to accidentally overdose on cough syrup or ibuprofen. • If you have a uterus make sure you have a heating pad and ibuprofe


Text - -Medications-~ Over the counter medications (stuff you can buy right off the shelf no prescription needed) have a name brand and a generic name. ALWAYS buy generic if it's available it is literally the same thing and way cheaper usually. Some names to remember when you're looking for meds! Acetaminophen = Tylenol Used to treat pain and reduce fever. Do not take with Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen = Advil, Midol, Motrin Used for pain and fever, is an anti-inflammtory. Is good for period cramps becau


Text - Acetaminophen + Asprin + Caffeine = Excedrin Usually marketed as "Migraine Relief" as a generic. Asprin = Bayer Use for pain, fever, arthritis, and inflammation. Makes you bleed easily so should not be used for periods. Might reduce risk of heart attacks. Triple Antibiotic Ointment = Neosporin Used on cuts, sores, and scrapes to reduce risk of infection and promote healing. Also a general mutli-vitamin isn't a bad idea and if you don't get a lot of fruits or milk/sunshine in your diet you


Text - if you do accidentally lapse and put dawn in your dishwasher, run it empty and put hair conditioner where the detergent goes. that'll clean it out (tip given to me by dorm custodian when roommate did the thing). if you live off ramen, add stuff to it! add veggies you like, don't use the whole flavor packet to cut down on sodium and msg or don't use it at all and add your own spices. if you're making something with potatoes in it (beans, stew) potatoes are done when you can easily stab a f


Text - the rice cooking advice above is for long grain rice. if you're making short or medium grain rice, a 1:1 ratio (one cup water for one cup rice) is better, so the rice doesn't come out too mushy. buy a few cans of chicken. wholesale club stores like sam's, costco, or bj's tend to carry multipacks for a good price. they're incredibly useful for when you forget to defrost meat. buy meat on sale and put it in the freezer. buy vegetables on sale, and put them in the freezer. frozen veggies are

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