Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Things that Are Stupid but Still Work

Just because it's an exceedingly simple trick doesn't mean that it doesn't work. Sometimes we tend to overthink problems and overlook simple solutions just because they're simple. Here's more moments that go to show that it's not stupid if it works as well as some low budget DIY solutions.


Text - Text - gopherit83 1.1k points · 1 day ago a If you have trouble locking your car or opening your gate via remote control because you are far away. Hold it to your head and you improve your remote's antenna. Some people are scared of it but it is because your head is a Faraday cage that it simply conducts the signal around your scalp giving you a giant antenna. So next time you forget where you parked your car and you press the button and nothing happens, hold it to your head and push the


Text - Text - hereticjones 833 points 1 day ago Working a full-time office job. If you think about it, it's completely fucking insane. You spend so much time, getting ready to go there, getting there, and then being there. Between all of that it's easily 60 hours a week, if you're only "working" 40. Then, you get your work done in a fraction of that, maybe 6 hours--total, like for the week; not each day--but you have to look busy the rest of the time when you could be outside. Or playing with yo


Text - pronoetic 447 points · 1 day ago Sometimes after using the restroom I get worried that I forgot to flush so I go and check. 99.99% I did but my brain broken so I am constantly anxious about it. I now sing a little six word song straight after flushing. The song sticks with me so I may chill in peace without worry that I left something for the next person to use the toilet.


Text - EIBeatch 10.5k points · 1 day ago Putting a piece a duct tape on your bike seat so people won't steal it. Who wants to try and sell a potentially ripped bike seat, let alone buy one. rumpusbutnotwild 4.6k points· 23 hours ago Living in NYC in the 90's bike shops would offer a service to 'ugly' your new bike. Basically they would beat the shit out of your new bike so it would be less likely to get stolen.


Text - AltUniverse_1 9.4k points · 1 day ago Placebo effect. Not just the placebo effect, but knowing it's a placebo and it still works.


Text - eternalrefuge86 9.1k points · 1 day ago & S I drank creek water and got eight days off of work


Text - Faythezeal 1.5k points · 1 day ago Convincing someone that it was their idea to finally get them to agree to it. It works at an incredible success rate. Teaflax 522 points · 19 hours ago I had boss who was like that. If you wanted anything implemented, you had to steer him toward suggesting what you actually wanted, and then go "great idea!" when he finally spoke it.


Text - boyvsfood2 6.1k points · 1 day ago For me personally, I make a to-do list but put like 3 or 4 things that are just mind- numbingly simple. I knock them out, cross them off, feel productive, and feel motivated to hammer out the tougher pieces.


Text - stoneyevora 5.3k points · 1 day ago Putting hand sanitizer on bug bites. It's the most glorious feeling and it works better than any itch spray!


Text - DFSdog 3.9k points · 23 hours ago O Stay at least a year behind in technology and gaming. Better, yet, two. You'll save a shit-ton of money.


Text - jollysystem75 3.8k points - 1 day ago Long story short: A boorish guy was bullying my grandfather at a movie theater. My grandpa turned around and literally blew air on his face. The man was so weirded out that he left the theater.


Text - ostentia 3.4k points · 1 day ago - edited 15 hours ago Today I fixed my refrigerator's water dispenser by forcefully pushing random buttons until it started working again. This was after reading the entire manual front-to-back twice didn't help at all.


Text - GreenSalsa96 2.1k points · 1 day ago Feeling tired, headache, muscle cramps? Drink water. It is amazing how many people walk around in a state of dehydration. Water is an amazing fluid that solves a lot of problems.


Text - tminor787 1.6k points · 22 hours ago My aunt puts her expensive jewelry in a zip lock bag, and her cheap jewelry in the jewelry boxes. She apparently had a lot of her jewelry stolen in the past by family. She now only has the cheap stuff stolen.


Text - lefouilly 1.5k points · 1 day ago Dressing well at work. You can be an amazing worker but people really do judge you by how you look. And by well I mean looking put together and professional. This applies for trades/blue collar work as well as white collar. I've worked both.

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