Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Woman Gets Unjustly Fired, Takes Nuclear Revenge On Business

This woman's dreams of working as a painter in an auto shop were rudely interrupted by a mean old boss, who kept her busy with a slate of meaningless tasks. To make matters even more frustrating and plain old wrong, he ended up firing her, and withholding her last paycheck. He complained about her attitude, while she says that she gave 110%. Sounds like the boss was the definition of a piece of work, and that karma ultimately came around to do him in, in the end. 


Text - r/ProRevenge u/InTheHague • 18h + Join Unjustly fire me? Let me take down your business real quick. This happened a few years ago, and still makes me giggle with glee to this day. I'm a 34yr old F, who has always been a bit of a tom boy. I like cars, sports and reptiles. When I was 25I wanted a career change, and finally follow my dream of working in an auto repair shop ( as a painter), like my father always did.


Text - To start my education I needed to already have a job at an auto repair shop as an intern. So I searched and called a lot of companies to see if they had spots. There were literally several companies that laughed at me because "there's no place for a woman on the work floor." Disheartened I tried one final company, who said he'd "take a chance with me". I was thrilled. I was promised lots of opportunities to learn and a steady job after graduation.


Text - I started a week later, and the first 2 weeks were awesome. I learned a lot, and was promised even more opportunities, he promised I would have 2-3 hours a week of private time with the resident painter for practice. Soon after though it went downhill. The owner had bid on a contract with a large city in our country to restore underground containers. I had to sand them down, put sealant on the edges and prepare them for painting. Tedious work, but I did it diligently. The promised practic


Text - After a while, all I did, day in day out, 8 hours a day was sand down underground containers. By then end of the day my hands and wrists were numb from the vibrations. This btw is illegal, you're not allowed to sand with a pneumatic sanding machine for more than 4 hours a day(in my country, as it causes severe wrist and hand issues). After several months the contract with the city ended, and I hoped my promised practice time would come. But no, it didn't. I was given jobs that had nothing


Text - After 6 months of doing literally nothing that I could count to my education, my boss called me into his office. He told me he was "fed up with my attitude", he "made a mistake hiring me". I was fired, on the spot. I was heart broken and cried the whole way home. I didn't get it, I put 110% into my job, working hard, always on time, staying late if needed and never complained. I didn't understand what happened, and was pretty down for a while. However, several days later I found out I was


Text - When the time came that my final paycheck should come in, nothing happened. A week after it normally came in, I called, but was told to not "complain" and it would be "transferred shortly". 2 weeks later, still nothing. Called again and got a very irate boss on the line, cussing at me and calling me things I will not repeat here. I was fed up, and contacted my lawyer. Here comes the revenge part MWHAHAHA


Text - In my country, there's apparently a few laws that my boss broke, without me even knowing about them. First, you're not allowed to fire somebody without reasonable cause, you need to document bad behavior, and give the employee a write up. After 2 write up's you're allowed to terminate. My boss never did this. Unlawful termination can end in a fine, and the employee has a right to get as many monthly pays as the employment contract would have continued if the employee wasn't terminated. Wh


Text - My lawyer wrote up a letter to my boss, stating we would be pursuing my legal rights. He didn't respond. A week later we send another letter, increasing the compensation for late payment as we went. After a month of my lawyer not getting any response. Suddenly I received my pay. No compensation nothing, just basic раy. My lawyer recommended to go to small claims court, and so we did. Mind you, it takes about 3 months before you can appear before court). He didn't even show up in court! Bu


Text - because he didn't pay the full amount my lawyer requested, as was my legal right. (about 12000$) -Legal fees (now about 3000$) I was paid the same week. He was then also charged with a fine for violating employment laws. He had to pay 50k. This resulted in the employment bureau (this agency makes sure companies comply with employment laws etc) investigating the company. They discovered the building I worked at was unsafe. The foundation was unstable, walls were crumbling and tilting, he w


Text - He got charged with embezzlement and tax evasion for BOTH his companies. He had to pay back all taxes he evaded, plus a 100% fine. Coming to a staggering 250K over several years. He didn't have that kind of money, and after struggling for about 2 months, which resulted in him not paying his other employees, he went belly up. Both businesses shut down, and the building I worked at even got demolished. 10 years later it's still an empty plot, and if I ever feel put down by somebody, I take

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