Saturday, June 20, 2020

Sergeant Takes Revenge On Nasty Supervisor

Rob was not ready for this revenge. While the revenge itself was pretty petty compared to the extreme nature of Rob's "pranks", it's still a trip picturing Rob's facial expression when he laid his eyes upon that fabricated STI test. 


Text - A Tale of Revenge on a Nasty Supervisor, USAF Edition This happened in the mid 80's while I was active duty Air Force. I was a Sgt (E-4), my direct supervisor was a Tsgt (E-6). This Tsgt (Rob, not his real name) was a real jerk. He was about 5'10"" and a bean pole. He lived on coffee and cigarettes (and thinking of ways to bully subordinates). Well, in addition to being a jerk, Rob had a very nasty sense of humor. He could dish it out but couldn't take it.


Text - We had these old metal desks with plexiglass covering the tops. He started in on me with super gluing my coffee cup to the plexiglass top. Needless too say, when I went to pick up the cup everything went everywhere. Of course the whole office laughed hysterically. I didn't blame them, nobody wanted to be Robs target. Next he moved my car to another parking lot. Right before I called the Security Police, he told me where my car was. He kept it up (not just me either, but the whole office)


Text - I went out to the parking lot at the end of the day and my car (a little Civic) was up in blocks. I almost had a stroke. Rob went too far. Granted, the Captain made Rob put my tires back on (and read him the riot act). Back in the 80's the atmosphere was much more relaxed (I.e., you could get away with more). The Captain and I decided that I should get my revenge. My revenge had to be carefully thought out AND I had to cover my ass as Rob could destroy my career. First, the Captain change


Text - Environmental Health Office was the office that handled all the reports of STI's and did all the mandatory interviews. I had to swear on my unborn children's heads that this wouldn't get back to them. The Captain and I went to work on a letter scheduling a date for Rob to be interviewed as a confirmed contact of someone that was positive with a STI. This was going to hit Rob hard. You see, he thought the world of himself. According to him, he was his wife's master and HE ruled the house a


Text - Well, the letter was written and place in the afternoon distribution. The Captain made sure he was standing right next to Rob when he opened his official mail. Rob was a creature of habit and always stood right by his distribution tray to read his mail (coffee in cup and cigarette in hand). I was sitting at my desk watching. I swear Rob turned white and I could hear him say something to the Captain. I could see the Captain reading the letter Rob handed him so I moved a bit closer (not a h


Text - when Rob went to grab a phone (to call his wife???) that the Captain said, wait Rob! He (the Cap) looked at me and said "do you think this is enough?". The Captain and I both busted out laughing. Everyone in the office was looking around confused and asking what was so funny. Neither the Captain or I would tell| anyone what was going on. Rob knocked over the distribution boxes, threw his car key and started having a fit. The Captain stopped Robs fit and basically told him (quietly) that h

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