Friday, June 12, 2020

Most Passive Aggressive Things People Have Seen

Passive aggressiveness is the worst. People just bottle up all that aggression and frustration, instead of letting it out in some healthy conversational discourse, and instead go about "avoiding the conflict" by creating tense and uncomfortable environments. These particular cases of passive aggression might just bring your blood to a boil. The passive aggressive roommate scenarios, especially. 


Text - alumavirtutem • ly This girl at my current job frequently makes smoothies for everyone in culinary who is on the shift at the time. She won't make smoothies for people she's upset with. So there's times where she's made smoothies for over five people and casually just doesn't have one for the cook she has beef with. 2.1k


Text - TommF • 1y 1 Award I used to work with a girl who seemed like the nicest person you could meet. After a while of working with her she told me she was hyper-spiritual and whenever someone was mean to her or didn't do what she wanted she'd spend X amount of weeks "sending bad vibes at them" whenever they weren't looking at her. After she told me I started looking for it and surely enough, any time someone would turn around she'd crunch her face up into and anus shape and just look at that p


Text - [deleted] • 1y last year i lived with three roommates. i provided all of the cookware and cooking utensils, and my only rule for other people using them was that they had to wash them when they were done. only one of them followed the rule, but it wasn't super annoying i just dealt with it. then one day, someone used my pan to make a grilled cheese and burnt a bread shape into the bottom of the pan. they didn't butter the fucking bread first like a whole dumbass. the pan was not usable an


Text - DefinitelyNotALion • 1y Worked for a pair of patronizing scumbags at a franchised sandwich shop. Every month they held a mandatory meeting where they would grill us with dozens of basic questions about making sandwiches. We were required to answer in order to keep our jobs, and they asked each question sloooowwwly... with lots of, okay are you listening? rephrasing, so that our feeble minds could grasp the questions. As incentive, whenever we answered correctly, they would throw us a fun-


Text - Something that I am currently doing: I work at a law firm and we live off coffee. I like having cute things around so I bought my own coffee mug that I liked and have been using it for more than a year at my office. Several months ago a new paralegal was hired and I started noticing that my mug was missing. Now, I don't mind if someone uses my mug once in a while. All the mugs are kept together in the kitchen. It's an unspoken rule that some people prefer certain mugs and we all tend to k


Text - lostinthelandofoz • 1y She reported me for not smiling at her when I passed her in the hall. A week later, she reported me for smiling at her as I passed her in the hall. 1 1.4k ...


Text - RhiannonCJS • 1y I had an upstairs neighbor who would do crazy loud shit at lam- hammer on walls, vacuum, etc- and we would, of course, ask him to quiet down. After awhile of this, he would start walking around the balcony upstairs, trying to peer into my living room to see if my tv was on, and if it was, he would come down and bitch at me to turn the volume down because he worked from home. After the first few times of him getting shitty with me, I would put it on mute, and he would come


Text - teashoesandhair • 1y I was both the victim and perpetrator of passive aggression at a coach station the other day. Some old dude had a bag on the only available seat, so I smiled at him and politely asked if the seat was taken. He gave me a death stare and said that it wasn't taken, and so I waited for him to move his bag. He didn't. He then said "well, sit there, then!" and I realised that he was so pissed off with me for having the audacity to ask him to move his bag off the seat that h


Text - catdude142 • 1y Kid's mother didn't want me to visit him when he was young. Let me drive 110 miles to see him. She put a note on the door "Baby is sick, come back another time". Had to get a custody order to deal with this nutjob. 1.5k ...


Text - jesticide • 1y When I worked as a tech writer, my company hired a bona fide sociopath (M) who quickly began jockeying to become the boss of me and the other writer there. At one point M suggested she should be the "editor" (i.e. do no real work and just critique ours) and my coworker pointed out l'd been an editor previously, so if anyone should do it I should. Later that day M requested my resume under the pretense that it would help us all become more familiar with each other. We shut h


Text - [deleted] • 1y Cousin and I have a long history of rivalry. Some stupid issue came up and she was mad at me for some reason. Our families were over at our grandparents' place for the holidays. She bought a giant packet of creamed wafers and went around passing them to everyone but very conspicuously left me out. Yep. Gurrrl if you think I would beat myself up over your wafers you're denser than a rock. 845 ...


Text - quietchild • 1y When we have a family event my father in laws partner collects all the cans to recycle them. You get 10c per can but they have to be able to scan the barcode so the cans cant be crushed. My brother in law doesnt like her so he deliberately crushes the cans. 101 ...


Text - j_britt • 1y My roommate was supposed to pay me for utilities. When two weeks went by, I asked her for it again because I needed the money. She huffed at me and said it would be on the fridge in the morning. She wrote the whole check in giant capital letters which she never had done before. Still got my money back tho 720 ...


Text - fluffyplague • 1y Had a falling-out with a housemate, asked her to move out. Left to do some shopping -- came back home after nightfall to find she had removed every single lightbulb in the downstairs area (our part of the house, not hers) because "she paid for them." We lived in a remote, rural area with no 24hr stores. Lived in the dark till morning. The next day, as I was making breakfast for both my child and my housemate's child (both the same age, in grade school), I had toast cooki


Text - Chance_in_Pants • 1y I work at a fast food restraunt, and one of the managers there has been there for close to 20 years. And she never closes and always opens. I'm a closer and so are the other managers. So if there's anything, I mean ANYTHING that could be slightly wrong, she'll send a picture of it to every manager and the owner of the store. No one gives a shit, but it's annoying af 1 402


Text - BaconCaffee • 1y Wrote my managers name down as my reason for quiting. Not sure if it counts as being passive aggressive. 322 ...


Text - [deleted] • 1y My roommate in college was a super neat freak and was very passive aggressive regarding what I did to pitch in. He would arrange furniture a certain way to make sure I noticed he vacuumed, and l'd move things back. He'd leave open the entryway closet so that I saw that he hung all jackets and Winter scarves, etc. My favorite was when he would leave the kitchen trash can in the middle of the kitchen but without putting in a new trash bag, he wanted me to put in a new bag so


Text - dusty819 • 1y I worked at a hardware store once. A lot of times customers wanted help unloading purchases into their car and if I was able l'd just go help them myself instead of making them wait 20 minutes for another employee to come help (we were always understaffed. All that cooperate budget stuff). Many times men would want help and once they saw it was me helping they'd ask for a man. Most of the time the items were under 50 lbs so I was perfectly capable of helping out but because


Text - amour_de_soi_ • 1y Replying emails in CAPITAL LETTERS. I know you're MAD and FURIOUS bt calm your tits please 1 120


Text - originalchaosinabox • 1y Told this story before, but whatever, that boss was a dweeb and I never tire of telling stories about her. A co-worker and I had to duck out of the office for a bit. On the way back, we swung through the drive-thru and picked up lunch. We had back into the office, take-out bags in hand, the boss looks at us expectantly and says, "Where's mine?" We apologize, say we never thought to get one for her, and she just shrugs and says, "That's fine." The next day, boss du


Text - goldiegoldthorpe • 1y I did this. I was in a small elevator at a big hotel one time. The elevator was full because people had luggage and shit. I was first on the elevator, so I am by the buttons. Everyone is going down to the lobby to check out. We stop at a floor, person looks, frowns, no room. Other person pushes on and it is now so uncomfortable/borderline painful. It takes a good three minutes of people jamming themselves together to make room so the door can close, because she is no


Text - İLikeBigDoobs • 1y I had a super pompous roommate in college who became even more of a douche after he got his first girlfriend (random girl from Tinder). He'd bring her home at any random point in the day and they'd make obnoxiously loud noises from the bedroom for HOURS. Finally, I turned my speaker on and blasted "Afternoon Delight" on repeat. I had to leave the house after hearing it the first 10 times - not sure how long after that they were able to put up with it. 85 ...


Text - Flooziel • 1y When I worked for a denim shop (ironically auto- corrected to 'demon') I had honestly the worst fucking boss I have had in a string of horrific bosses. We went away to train in the Netherlands together and the worst thing that she did was make me late for work because we arranged that we were going together and then little to my knowledge she was starting later than me.. and then had the guts to go "here's the phone, tell them you're gonna be late" on the day THE CEO was in


Text - SnekySpider • 1y My dad will tighten the jars in the kitchen after a fight with my mom He got the idea from Reddit 1 36 ...


Text - soobaki • 1y im a little late, but my roommate situation last year was just CONSTANT passive aggressive bullshit. most of it was just annoying, but my absolute favorite happened between the two girls in the lower floors, "E" & "A" A always kept her tv volume too high, which was something E bitched about all year. oftentimes, E would text A asking her to turn it down, but she never did (A later told me she thought it was "too immature" for E to be texting her instead of asking in person, s


Text - emjayking • 1y I know this one girl who will sit there with an upset look on her face. (if you see this face then you know you've fucked up.) and you can ask her about it and ask what's wrong and it's all just "don't worry its fine" or "no no, you've done nothing wrong" then next week its ""'How dare you!". Or she'll tell everyone else who she's mad at and why, just not the person. 25 ...


Text - Jberg18 • 1y One woman I worked with had a beef with the assistant manager. Admittedly both were fairly passive-agressive in their own right. Anyway this woman would spend the last hour or more of her shift writing a letter to the boss on all the stuff the assistant manager did or didn't do. Of course this meant anyone else working that night would need to pick up the slack. The thing is the assistant manager was the daughter of the previous manager, good at her job, and friendly with the

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