Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Man Mistakes Mispronunciation For Lisp For Years

Just when we thought we'd seen it all, we come across this lovely TIFU that involves a dude learning that he in fact did not have a lisp, and was simply mispronouncing the letter "s." Honestly, we're just glad that he was able to make the realization while he's still got the rest of life ahead of him. Better to learn late than never. 


Text - r/tifu Join u/sxmilliondollarman • 17h TIFU by thinking I had a lisp my whole life. I'm 38 M Ssssso, where do I ssstart? First obligatory this happened since forever ago to present, but have now had a crazy realization. My entire life l've been self conscious about speaking because of my "lisp".


Text - When I was younger I was teased relentlessly. It doesn't help that my name ends in an "S" sound. By friends school mates, bullies, family, you name it. This has always made me feel self conscious. Thorough the years, I learned to work through it. As I got older, I wasn't teased as much since you know... Adulthood. Except for the immature stragglers. Now I know it didn't improve, I just masked it. So fast forward to today and I sent a VM though a text app. It was fairly long so after I sen


Text - moment lol. Googled: How do you pronounce the letter S. And boom, there it is... I've been pronouncing it wrong my whole life. Basically, when you say an S, you curl the tongue and pass the air through the front teeth and tongue. Like a TH sound but the tongue tip is a bit farther back. I've been placing my tongue flat in my mouth and blowing air through the sides by my molars. So basically hissing.


Text - F. M. L. Now l'm practicing proper tongue placement but damn muscle memory is strong. TL;DR I thought I had lisp my entire life and adjusted the way I spoke for years only to find out I was pronouncing the sound incorrectly. Edit: Thank you guys for your overwhelming support! I especially want to thank those that have reached out to offer the help andbguidance, it is very much appreciated and to those that have told me this post has helped them. You're welcome. Reading through these comme


Text - Update on me: A few have asked if I still have trouble speaking in public. I actually overcame that fear and I am a corporate trainer for a very large multinational company that requires me to train multiple people. Sometime upwards of a hundred people with microphone and everything. Do not let little things hold you back. My experience as a young child is vastly different from mine as an adult.

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