Monday, May 25, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Unbridled Joy Of Digging Into Watermelons

This quick and entertaining Tumblr thread shines light on the wild joy that is digging into watermelons with a reckless abandon, barehanded, and just feasting on them. We get a quick story from a dude who worked at a summer camp, and witnessed the feral energy that can come from such an event. Watermelons and summertime is where it's at. 


Natural foods - fleeglebeegles E pumpkinpeng Follow savedgame men these days are too pussy to cut up a watermelon rind like a basket so they can put the chunks of watermelon back in and display it prettily savedgame


Text - if your man doesn't even do this for you he's worth nothing samanthaj1011 How dare you. Watermelon is meant to be eaten by the mouthful, ravenously, clawing out chunks with your bare but manicured hands while soaking the front of your pretty summer dress in the juice flowing in rivulets down your chin, blinded by the summer sun and starving for the freedom to eat how you want.


Text - savedgame what in the fuck pridot when I worked at summer camp we did a scavenger hunt where the kids ran all over the property collecting "magic acorns" aka watermelons that we'd just covered in tinfoil and painted. their last hint led them to the roof where they discovered that the


Text - acorns were actually evil and needed to be destroyed. they took great joy in ripping the foil off them and then hurling the watermelons off the roof, where they predictably shattered. then followed a moment of tense silence, where one of the children looked over at me (i worked in the office so i was basically Everyone's Boss at the time) and quietly asked, "can we go eat that?" me, being a big fan of the 'eat dirt it's good for your immune system' theory of child-rearing, shrugged and sa


Text - let me tell you, i have never seen a group of 9 year olds go so feral. I wish I could go back to that age and experience that. just the unbridled joy of standing in the summer sun, digging into whole watermelons with your bare hands. god what a life.

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