Monday, May 25, 2020

Most Severe Cases Of People Being Out Of Touch With Reality

Someone on AskReddit got a fun thread going about the most severe cases of people being out of touch with reality, that folks have witnessed. Sometimes you find yourself out wandering the world, and come across a human being that seemingly lost all their senses. The rest is cringe and awkward city. 


Text - meehaja • 4h My sister in law. Kicked out by her boyfriend, comes to stay with us for a few days. We suggest looking for a flat/ cheap house to rent near us. She won't live in the scummy part of town near us, she'd like a three bed house with garden in the best part of town. She has no savings and isn't sure if she has a job (was a part time cashier in a super market, stopped going to work when covid came (note, not furloughed, super market still open, she's just not going in). When I sug


Text - CathNelson • 5h 2 Awards I will never forget the man who angrily told me, a wheelchair user with no feet and no prosthetics, to go down the stairs if I didn't want to wait for the elevator (I had been talking to my friend, and mentioned we were going to be a little late because of the huge line).


Text - fd1Jeff • 6h A woman I knew a few years ago. She had a job. She was convinced she was supposed to be a movie star. She never did any acting, though. She also told me about the married man that she had slept with, "he loves me, but he can't leave his wife.". She actually did stop having sex with him, but they still hung out.


Text - Thejustinset • 3h This was from a Regional manager of Starbucks, after they removed merit based raises that could go up to a 5% increase, changed to a flat 2% increase. When she asked if people liked the new raise plan, I said actually no, they feel unmotivated with no reason to perform any better than just normal. Regional manager "your staff need to realise working isn't about money"


Text - _Lyssa_ • 6h One bully of a boss asking the three people who suffered most from his behaviour if they would want to move to a new employer with him as a team. Hmm.... how about "no way in hell"?


Text - thunderfart_99• 7h My parents' neighbour thought that her garden was too small for her sons to play in. So when she met my parents for the first time, the first thing she actually said was "Can you give me some of your garden so my sons have more space to play in?". Thankfully my parents just said no. For context, they live in a very expensive neighbourhood where houses cost on average from £750,000 to £1 million. The gardens in that neighbourhood are a lot bigger on average than the majo


Text - Back2Bach • 7h The pastor of a small town church insisted that members set up the parish hall and provide food and beverages for 125 people after every Sunday service, even though the average attendance was only around 20 people. Week after week, month after month, much food would be disposed of and large urns of coffee dumped down the sink - and all because the pastor was in denial about the reality of weekly attendance.


Text - hampsonsean1 • 5h My Father. He is an habitual liar. I somehow think he believes his own lies. Over the past couple of years l've noticed he doesnt actually have anything new to say. Sort of regurgitates sentences in slightly different ways. Its caused his business to fail. He lied to everyone that was employed there saying he had to liquidate the company. Going so far as to tell people he met with lawyers and the process has been started. I did some digging and found out there were no la


Text - --BMO-- • 8h I worked on shifts with a guy for years who thought every single person was out to get him. I've never met anyone who had such a warped sense of reality. He would joke on with someone then go away for the weekend and stew on one particular thing, then come in on Monday absolutely raging over taking something the complete wrong way. I've seen him attack 2 people and heard about a third. Thing is he's so dopey, everyone thinks he's harmless and "that's just the way he is". A gu


Text - picnorez • 6h An ex became really religious and l'd still talk to her sometimes. Somehow the topic of flat earth theories came up and she said she thinks it's actually possible that it could be true. I tried to explain that we have more than enough imagery and data indicating that the earth is round, and she said it could all be planted there by Satan. You just can't come up with a response to that.


Text - Text - Yossi25 • 4h My step grandma who called me a lazy useless loser because I was struggling to find a job after college back in 2009 when the economy was in the gutter. She called me every name you can possibly think of, but the most common phrase was "dependent loser" since I had to move back in with my parents. This is the same woman who never had a job in her life and was supported 100 percent by my grandpa, and is now currently living off of his social security and pension. What a


Text - ohhlookshiny • 4h My sister. Grew up with everything handed to her, and literally cried when her 1st car wasn't the color she wanted. Married rich. Can't fathom why I can't take off work whenever it suits me, and says stuff like "I wouldn't ask my boss for a week off, I would tell him I am taking the week off".


Text - bricorianlive 4h 1 Award I was a stable hand of a very upper tier barn in a wealthy part of the country. The staff have to sign non- disclosure agreements to protect clients. On one particularly scorching July day, I overheard a client venting to another about how she was "incredibly stressed" and "going to have a mental breakdown" because her first choice catering company was all booked up for the weekend of her last minute yacht party. I'm paycheck to paycheck and had probably a total o


Text - MyAnimalsBite • 7h "My parents payed for half the down payment on my house. Pay for our landscaper, housecleaner, child day care, car insurance and give my wife an I a monthly allowance. We're completely self sufficient human beings who even try and give other friends financial advice.." Obviously written in the voice of someone I know.


Text - Aibeit • 4h Streamer that I watched a couple of times before his behavior drove me to stop. It was a shame because when he was actually gaming, I liked the content, but his attitude drove you up the wall (and by attitude, I mean raging - back when I watched him, the rest of the events in this post hadn't happened yet). But the out of touch with reality part - he talked about his girlfriend on stream a few times. Nothing wrong with that, except his "girlfriend" was a female streamer who li


Text - Gilli_Glock • 4h I went to a private international school in London as a teenager, most kids there had parents working good jobs but in-between them were some filthy rich kids with parents in the oil industry or something similar. In 8th grade we were talking about our easter break and my friend from Belgium was talking about how his family had decided last minute to go there over the break, but had decided to drive there because there were no flights available. Then this Russian billiona


Text - Jammin3331 • 5h met a few guys that thought being aggressive and argumentative until the complaints from managers about their performance at work stopped meant that they were successful, unfortunately many of them kept their jobs so it was almost a validated experience and management were so frustrated that they blamed anyone who wouldn't argue and wasn't physically intimidating and then also believed they were doing a good job, HR were also in a similar position where they couldn't accep


Text - colon31_Panic • 7h I dated this girl who believed her roommates were spying on her. That every time they had friends over and were hanging out in the common space and laughing, it was because they were spying on her in her room. She also believed the government was spying on her and her parents directly. Us dating lasted about a week and ended not just because the red flags, but because she tried to drop by unannounced after only being on a couple dates.


Text - thesewornoutboots • 4h My SIL legit believes she's a strong, independent businesswoman who owns three major businesses. She does three MLM gigs.


Text - itsacalamity • 7h In college I had a roommate from the most sheltered part of Long Island. We met an exchange student from Switzerland and I swear to god she said this in complete seriousness: "Oh wow I didn't know people actually lived in Switzerland, I thought there were just banks there!"

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